

Reflection day                                               Monday 29th of July

Days of Eucharist celebrations                Sunday   4th   August 10.30am

                                                                            Sunday 11th August     5:00pm


During Term 3, the Year 4 students will receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time. The students are preparing for the Sacrament this term as part of the Religious Education program at school and we are most grateful to our school and parish school staff who lead the learning and catechetical preparation in our schools.  


The Sacrament of the Eucharist in 2024 will take place during Mass on 3, 4 and 11 August 2024.  The Parish invite Year 4 parents who have a student receiving the sacrament, to complete the online registration form and select the Mass you would like to attend:





If you have any questions or wish to discuss your child's participation in this Sacrament, please contact your class teacher;  Nanette Giovannini, Parish Sacramental Coordinator at the Parish Office ( or Julie McIntyre, Religious Education Leader at school (



Throughout the year, all classes rotate and attend weekly Mass on Friday mornings with Bishop Hart at 9:15am.  Families are most welcome to join in the celebration with your child.

Please note that the class rostered on for Mass will not attend assembly that fortnight, however, the students receiving the award will stay with a neighbouring class so they are present to receive their acknowledgement.

                *Please note that some of our whole school Masses are on Wednesdays.

                      TERM 2 


Class weekly Mass  & Whole school Masses 


                14th   June




21st  June


34M / 34 KM together

                 26th June                                 9.15am End of Term Mass