
Value of the Term - Responsibility

Term Three Whole School Value- Resilience 

Teaching kids to be Resilient can involve the following strategies- 

  • Support your child but avoid solving every minor problem or disappointment.
  • Help your child identify and manage strong emotions.
  • Encourage them to try again when things don’t work out the first time. 
  • Build self-compassion.
  • Recognise and acknowledge when things are going well. 

Upcoming Wellbeing Events Term 3: 

  • R U OK Day- Week 9
  • National Say No to Bullying Day- Week 10
  • School Health & Wellbeing Expo- Week 10


Wellbeing Support Structure - Term 3: 

Leesa Ross- Mental Health /Disability Inclusion Co-ordinator. Monday- Thursdays. 

Jessica Blackman- Wellbeing Support- Fridays. 

Bridget Murray – Wellbeing Support - Wednesdays and Fridays.

Bernie - Counsellor – Wednesdays. 

Please contact Leesa, Jessica, Bridget or Bernie if you require any Wellbeing Support. 


Breakfast Club

Our Breakfast Club will continue to run every Monday and Thursday from 8.30 am – 8.50 am in the BER. Thanks to Wendy, Sandra and the School Captains for helping to run this so smoothly each week. 




Healthy Schools Program- Echuca Regional Health. 

Last term our Grade 3-6 Students were fortunate enough to be involved in a Healthy Food session. The students enjoyed learning about what a Balanced Diet means and how to read the labels on different foods.










Leesa Ross- Mental Health & Wellbeing Leader R.P.S

 If you would like to chat, have concerns about your child/ren or would like some support for yourself or family, do not hesitate to contact me at school via phone or email – leesa.ross@education.vic.gov.au