LTU Regional Pathways Program Update

Albury-Wodonga Campus

The Regional Pathways Program is a regional initiative that aims to address the disparity in higher education participation and attainment between regional and metropolitan areas. It focuses on increasing educational engagement among senior secondary school students by providing them with workshops on topics such as study skills, literacy support, wellbeing, and career pathways including university. 



Our goal is to improve educational outcomes for regional students and increase community awareness of the positive impact further education has on local development.

Hoodie Presentation

As part of the program, students have received their exclusive La Trobe University Albury-Wodonga Regional Pathways Program hoodie. The students were thrilled to receive their hoodies and a conditional offer to a La Trobe University course of their choosing.


Garry Nash and Sarah Noble from Garry Nash & Co. Real Estate attended to support the presentation. The Garry Nash & Co. Community Fund has provided philanthropic support to the Regional Pathways Program to help support students from Wangaratta High School.

Established in 2021, Garry Nash & Co. Community Fund has a long standing history of supporting the local community in Wangaratta & District. The fund proudly support local schools, sporting groups, not-for-profit organisations and community groups with scholarships, sponsorships and other donations.

The Fund is a sub fund of Into Our Hands Community and assists projects in the following areas:

  • Housing and Homelessness
  • Natural Disaster Relief
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Education

It awards grants annually. More information can be found here:

Garry Nash & Co. Community Fund - Into Our Hands (

Tips and Tricks for the Holidays

With the school holidays about to begin, we thought we would provide some tips and tricks that students can utilise to get the most out of their holidays:

  • Take note of the homework and study that needs to be done, and organise these tasks in order of priority.
  • Go through notes taken throughout the term, and highlight anything that they are unsure of so that they can ask their teacher questions about this when they are back at school.
  • Create a study timetable or routine that schedules in time for study sessions and break periods.
  • Practice the Pomodoro study technique (typically involves completing a 25-minute focused study block and then having a 5-minute break).
  • Schedule in time to relax and have fun.

Contact Us

If you would like to hear more information about the La Trobe Regional Pathways Program or have any questions about the program, please contact us using the following email: