
Black Dog Institute: Resources and Support

Bite Back is the very first online positive psychology program designed to improve the overall wellbeing and resilience of young Australians aged 13 – 16 years old.

For further information visit this link: Bite Back online program for young people - Black Dog Institute | Better Mental Health

Sleep Ninja® is a free, evidence based smartphone app shown to be effective in helping young people with sleep problems.

Half of all mental illnesses start during early high school by 14 years. At this critical stage of development, 40% of young people will face significant sleep problems heightening their risk of anxiety or depression.

By addressing good quality sleep, we are setting up the foundations to promote emotional, social and physical wellbeing and academic performance, now and in the future.

Sleep Ninja® was designed and developed at the Black Dog Institute in consultation with young people, their parents/carers, psychologists, counsellors, and sleep experts. It is the first adolescent-focused app which helps young people improve their sleep. It’s free to use and backed by research.

For further information, visit this link: Sleep Ninja® - Black Dog Institute | Better Mental Health

ClearlyMe® is an app designed for teens aged 12-17 who are experiencing depressive symptoms, psychological distress or in other words, going through a tough time.

With the help of other teens, we've brought together the best coping strategies and activities backed by science. And we've built them in a way that makes sense for you to use and practice.

For further information, visit this link: ClearlyMe® - Black Dog Institute | Better Mental Health

Teen Mental Health Matters: For Parents & Carers

Monday 17 June, 6:30pm (AEST)

Audience: Parents and carers of high-school aged young people

Duration: 60 mins

Modality: Zoom webinar

Learning outcomes:

  • How to make sense of adolescence
  • Identify signs of mental health struggles
  • Understand how to support your young person
  • Know where you and your young person can get support

Register here