GAT News

On Tuesday the 18th of June our students enrolled in one or more Year 12 subjects attended the Senior School to undertake their GAT exam.
Divided into two parts, the GAT is designed to assess the students’ general knowledge and skills that they have learned over the course of completing their senior secondary studies.
The GAT plays a role in the quality assurance and moderation of VCE assessments and also provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate they meet the Victorian Literacy and Numeracy Standards expected at a senior secondary level.
Some of the Year 12 group had completed the GAT last year as Year 11 students, while for the current Year 11s and the rest of the year 12 class this was a new experience. With quite a few multiple choice questions to answer and some short writing tasks to complete, timing was everything.
The students are to be commended on their approach to the long day, arriving with plenty of time up their sleeves and (mostly) with the correct equipment. The supervisors said the students conducted themselves well once in the examination room and worked hard through both parts.
With the GAT out of the way, the students can now focus on finishing of the last of their Unit Three coursework and will begin Unit Four on Monday the 24th June. They are also now aware of the requirements and formalities of the externally run examinations which will happen at the end of the year.
Well done everyone!
Ms Whatley
Leading Teacher, Senior Years