Principal's Report

Dear EHPS Parents and Carers,


As we get ready for the last week of school, we can look back on a busy and exciting term. Children in all year levels have been actively engaged in many different learning activities, e.g. visit by Mitch Tambo and Voice of Lele, the Swimming Program for Year 3/4, Year 5 Camp and the upcoming Year 3/4 Camp, Year 1 Minibeasts Day, Prep Teddy Bears Picnic and Pyjama Day, excursions like Mont De Lancey Homestead for Year 2, House Athletics and Cross Country, as well as incursions from the Police and Fire Brigade. These activities supported the children’s learning and engagement at school. Once again, the PFC were active in Term 2 with their marvellous Mother’s Day ‘Treat’ morning as well as the Mother’s Day Stall. Last week’s Flip Out event was very well attended and was great fun for all families. All these special activities have created a real buzz with the children and have made their term enjoyable and very productive.

Music Concerts

Over the past three weeks, the Instrumental Music Program has been conducting its mid-year concerts. The six different concerts have been very well attended, and the children have displayed the learning and expertise that they have gained over the first half of this year. A big thanks must go to all the Instrumental Music teachers for their tutoring and preparing the children so well for their performance. Special thanks to Alyssa Kennedy for her impeccable organisation of all six concerts.

NEVR Youth Concert: Sonic Canvas

I had the privilege of joining 22 members of our Chamber Choir, staff and student's families, at Hamer Hall at the Arts Centre in Melbourne on Wednesday 29 May for the North East Victoria Region Youth Concert 'Sonic Canvas'. The concert showcased some of the most talented children in our region. Our students performed superbly. They sang with confidence and were excellent ambassadors for our school. Congratulations to Ms Grace Cordell for all the work preparing the students for this special performance opportunity in this world class venue. 

Interschool Chess Tournament

Recently 12 students competed in an Interschool Chess Competition. Lucas Z won the individual rankings, and Oscar T came 7th. Essex Heights came second overall. Congratulations to all involved.


The day was a very exciting time! It was my first time at a chess tournament and it was truly an incredible experience. Everyone played 7 rounds and tried their best. I was very nervous at the start but slowly started to be more comfortable I had a great time and can’t wait for the next chess tournament.   Jacqueline 34T


There were 7 rounds and I got 7 points because I won all my games. Everyone is good at something and I happen to be good at chess.   Lucas 34Z


We competed in 7 games each against students form other school. Everybody there was good and I got a final score of 2.5. Even if I didn’t go so well, it was a challenging and amazing experience.   Lily 34F


At the tournament, I got 4 points because I drew 2 games, lost 2 and won 3. It was my 3rd tournament so I couldn’t help but be proud of the improvements I made. I played against some really hard contestants and hope to meet them again in the future. Playing chess is really fun.   Ehan 34T


At the tournament I played 7 chess matches. I earned 5 ½ points and was really proud of my efforts that day.   Prabhava 34R


I played my fifth tournament a couple of weeks ago. I achieved a 5 ½ point score with 7 matches. It was a bit nerve wracking, but I was overjoyed in the end.   Oscar 6D

Lost Property

Thank you to the Parents & Friends Club, and Siew Ling and Niki Ngo in particular, for their time in managing lost property, returning named lost items and preparing unnamed items for sale as a fundraiser for our school. Thanks too to Yogi Patel and the Sustainability Captains for their help returning named items. This is a huge job due to the large quantity of lost property in the four lost property boxes in the school. Families are encouraged to look for lost items as soon as possible, and can check the boxes before school (up to 8.50am) or after school (from 3.30pm). Ensuring your child’s items are named will make identifying property much easier. We recommend using a permanent/laundry marker, or you could consider using personalised stick on labels; refer to some suggestions of sources for these in the uniform section of the Community Information page or on the Parents & Friends Club page in this newsletter. 

Student-Free Day rescheduled

The next student-free day, originally scheduled for Tuesday 28 May, has been rescheduled to Monday 12 August.


Holidays are an important and special experience for families. Where possible, minimise your child's absence from school during school terms. If you are taking a holiday during a school term, it is a requirement of the Department of Education student attendance guidelines that you request my permission for your child to be absent. Please send an email to for my attention with the details of your holiday. You will receive an email response with further steps. 

End of term reminder

Term 2 concludes next Friday, 28 June. Families are reminded that students will be dismissed early on this day at 2.30pm.  

Have a great school holiday break, and we look forward to the school community returning refreshed and relaxed for the new term. 

Term 3 commences on Monday 15 July.

Leaving EHPS 

It is essential for our planning and preparation for the new term and next school year that you advise me in writing as soon as possible if your child will not be returning to EHPS. Use the school email address – – to advise the following details: 

  • Child's name and 2024 class
  • Date of last day at EHPS 
  • Name of the school your child is enrolled at 
  • Commencement date at new school 
  • The reason for leaving EHPS  
  • New contact details, e.g. address, phone number, email

Celebration of Eid al-Adha

Eid al-Adha (15 June to 19 June 2024), commonly translated as the Feast of Sacrifice and also known as Yawm an-Nahr, is the second of the two main Islamic holidays alongside Eid al-Fitr. We pass on our best wishes to all Islamic members of our Essex Heights community. 


We were delighted to receive the news of the safe arrival of Millie, the first child of former teacher Moira (formerly Lennon) and her husband Matt. Our EHPS family continues to grow. 


We farewell the following students and their families from the EHPS community:

  • Hudson W (PGD) – family moving interstate
  • Lana B (34Z) – family moved out of area; starting at new school in Term 3
  • Logan W (5R) – family moving interstate
  • Laith B (5R) – family moved out of area; starting at new school in Term 3


We welcome the following students and their families to the EHPS community:

  • Amira G (PDB)
  • Yang J (PGD)
  • Dustin S (PDB)
  • Vasil K (34F)


We also welcome Clive, our new Essex Road crossing supervisor. Please make him welcome to the EHPS community.



I look forward to seeing you around the school. 

Kindest regards,

George Perini
