Music & Choir

Term 2, Week 10

What a busy term it has been!  We have definitely packed a lot into Term 2:

  • Open Night (Symphonic Band, Choir and Chinese Dance Group performances)
  • School Readiness Session (Music and P.E)
  • Grades 3 and 4 excursion to the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra and National Gallery of Victoria
  • Mid-Year Soiree (see Band page for photos)
  • Footloose Fridays with Mrs Pickford



In Term 2 Foundation students have learnt about:


Music Around the World - music and instruments from different countries

Australian National Anthem - picture book and song

Pitch (high / low) - using our own instrument (our voice) to match pitch

Solfege - visual understanding of music notes using solfege hand signs  Do Re Mi from movie 'The Sound of Music' -

Tone Colour - recognition of speaking and singing voices of our classmates when playing the game 'Who Am I?'    

Body percussion and direction

Beat - following graphic notation while using body percussion - see 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' 

Songs about Our World

Students are currently learning the seven continents in order from biggest to smallest. If your child would like to practise this at home the 'Seven Continents Song' and educational video is here:



Grades 1 & 2

Students have learnt the difference between beat and rhythm. They have practised writing and clapping their own 8-beat rhythms as well as those of their peers. Students focused on writing musical rhythms neatly and well spaced out, to ensure others can comprehend their musical sentences (not unlike writing in English!)


They have learnt about rondo form (A, B, A, C, A) and next term their 8-beat rhythms will become part of a bigger classroom composition complete with untuned and tuned percussion instruments!  Watch this space!


Our 'beat people' - using our names to learn rhythms
Our 'beat people' - using our names to learn rhythms


Grades 3 & 4

Music & Art Excursion  - Melbourne Symphony Orchestra and the National Gallery of Victoria                                                     


What a magnificent day we all experienced! After a night of gusty winds and heavy rain, it was a relief to see the morning sun (no umbrellas necessary!) and lovely to hear the excitement amongst our students towards the day ahead.


Our first stop was Hamer Hall (our students thought this was ‘very fancy’) where we soaked up the sights and sounds of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra’s performance of ‘The Peasant Prince – A Symphonic Tale’. It is a story of hope, freedom, and family love. Based on his best-selling memoir ‘Mao’s Last Dancer’, this composition narrates with words and music the inspiring story of Li Cunxin’s childhood and follows his subsequent journey to become one of the world’s greatest ballet dancers. 


The composer, Katie Abbott, was in attendance (a lovely surprise!) and she shared her processes of composing music to enhance the text. The conductor, Ingrid Martin, introduced each orchestral family and students heard familiar songs – the themes to ‘Bluey’ and ‘Star Wars’.


Our students are to be commended on displaying wonderful audience etiquette – they were excellent representatives of BPS throughout the entire day. 


Thank you to the fabulous Specialist Team for their support – Mrs Dixon, Miss Yi, Mrs Pickford, Mrs Bennett and Susan Hale. A huge thank you also to our parent volunteers Felicity Fritsch and Laura Simmons-Strempel. 


I would like to thank all the parents who expressed interest in attending this excursion – I wish everyone could have come along! Your support of the Music and Art programs is very much appreciated. Thank you!


Below are some photos of our Grade 3 and 4 students:

  • listening and interpreting the music of ‘The Peasant Prince’ through visual representation
  • rehearsing traditional dances which they will perform at assembly next term.
The Galopede
The Galopede
The Galopede
The Galopede


Grades 5 & 6 

Grade 5 studentshave been working co-operatively while learning the traditional dance 'The Brown Jug Polka (Heel and Toe)' . They are also developing their mallet skills and note recognition when playing tuned instruments. They look forward to performing their pieces at an assembly in Term 3. 


Grade 6 students have continued developing their ukulele skills this term. They are currently working on strumming techniques and patterns. Students with a ukulele at home are encouraged to go ahead with the tutorials I have added in their Music Showbie folder. 


Grades 5 and 6 students also studied the music of John Williams - television and movie composer extraordinaire!

5T - Stave Lines & Spaces Relay
The Brown Jug Polka (Heel & Toe)
Conducting in various time signatures
5B - Developing our technique on Orff instruments
Some fun with boomwhackers
Dance brain break
5T - Stave Lines & Spaces Relay
The Brown Jug Polka (Heel & Toe)
Conducting in various time signatures
5B - Developing our technique on Orff instruments
Some fun with boomwhackers
Dance brain break



Lunchtime performance to Grade 3 students
Open Night
Open Night
Lunchtime performance to Grade 3 students
Open Night
Open Night


Music Captains

It has been a very busy term for our captains Ava and Malcolm. They have presented at assemblies, Open Night, and the Mid-Year Soiree. They have been responsible for setting up the sound system in the gym whenever necessary, displayed posters around the school advertising music events and filmed updates for the BPS social media pages. It has been an absolute pleasure working with them both this term and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their efforts. Well done, Malcolm and Ava! 


What's on in Our Community?

Whitehorse Orchestra Children's Concert 

If you're free this Saturday 22 June, why not have head out for a fun family afternoon while supporting local artists? 


The Whitehorse Orchestra will perform 'Tubby the Tuba' and 'Paddington in Concert' at Kingswood College, Box Hill. Performances at 2.00pm and 3.30pm.

  • Adult ticket: $15
  • Child ticket: $10  (children under 3  are free)

See flyer for more details.



2024 National Songwriting Competition

For all budding BPS songwriters (and there are a few at BPS!), 

here's something to work towards next term.....


The National Songwriting Competition is open to students in Foundation to Year 12.  See the flyer below for all terms and conditions (flyer is also in Grade 3-6 Music Showbie folders - and will be in the Grade 1/2 folder in Term 3).


I have been sharing this wonderful opportunity with students during this week's music lessons. They were totally engaged in listening to the original works of previous winners in various age groups, finding it 'inspirational'. I have already had students write songs and come and perform them to me – I love their enthusiasm!


Each class discussed ‘What makes a good song?’ 


Things to think about if you are composing a song are:

  • form (how the song is built – verse, chorus – contrasting sections!),
  • rhythm, 
  • memorable / catchy melody,
  • meaningful lyrics on topics / events / emotions you can relate to
  • dynamics - changing volume for contrast

Entry is free and you can enter as many times as you wish. 

Entries are now open. Closing date is 16 September, 2024.


If your child is interested in submitting a song, I'd love for them to let me know in their Showbie folder.


Please see PDF for more information.



Wishing you all a restful holiday. I hope you can find time to recharge, reconnect and fill your buckets with the things that sometimes can't / don't happen during the busyness of a school term. That's my plan for these holidays! 


Yours in harmony,


Lisa Shacklock             

Classroom Music, Choir Co-ordinator & Band Liaison (M-W, F)


 "Do something worth remembering" - Elvis Presley