The Patch Program 

Term 2, Week 10

Term 2 has been very busy in The Patch

We have been cooking lots of yummy things in the kitchen. The Foundation students had their first cooking lesson and learnt knife skills which they used to cut up veges to dip into a yummy roast carrot hummus that we made. Other year levels have been making stirfrys and healthy breakfast muffins! 

In the garden, we have been filling our new garden beds in the method of Hugelkutur. This will allow the vegetables we plant in there to be fed by all the logs and branches we put in under the soil.

We grew lots of seedlings from seed, and have started planting them. Lots of flowers, spinach, fennel rocket and broccoli plants. Our snow peas and sugar snap peas are doing really well too. 

We still have some crazy tomatoes still going, but I think we will need to pull them up next term. And as always, we have lots of weeding to do! 

As always, 

Happy cooking & gardening,
