Classroom News

Grade 3 & 4

Term 2, Week 10

We have made it to the end of Term 2 in Years 3 and 4!! It has certainly been a big term and a very busy finish. Our wonderful students have shown resilience and commitment throughout the term.


In Reader’s Workshop this term our focus has been on making connections, understanding themes and comprehension of the main idea. We have explored non-fiction texts about celebrations and religions from all around the world.

We delved into a range of ways to analyse the characters and their traits, comparing the similarities and differences between characters, setting, problem/ plot, themes. We examined the main idea and searched for supporting details. Students used a Venn diagram to make comparisons between similar texts or similar topics in the same text. We also revised making sticky note connections and unpacking our thinking with detail.


In Writing, we are wrapping up our writing on Information Reports. This term we have learnt lots about writing information reports.  For example; how to search and collect relevant information on the iPad, form sentences from dot points, how to include more detail in our writing, and how to segment our writing into paragraphs.


In Maths, we have been exploring addition and length, and learning about the relationship between them. We have been exploring Fact Families and using them to deepen our understanding of number facts. We have had the opportunity to explore different addition and multiplication strategies, such as jump strategies and split strategies. Being able to use a wide variety of efficient strategies will greatly help as we continue to explore more complex equations in future. Next term, we will continue our mathematical progression by examining subtraction and division.


In Integrated Studies, we are continuing to investigate CELEBRATIONS around the world. We have been working hard on our selected celebration for our project by recording our findings and sources.


Resilience Project vocabulary is being used in the classrooms. Empathy and Gratitude have been discussed and recognised in similar ways to our School Values - What would you see/hear/feel when these traits are being used? 




Mon 12th - Wed 14th Aug        Year 4 Phillip Island Camp          

Thursday 15th Aug              PPD (Student free day)

Wed 28th Aug                           Book Fun Day

Mon 9th - Fri 20th Sep           Swimming (2 weeks)                

Last day of Term 3                   Fri 20th Sep