Maths News

Mrs Josie Antoniadis 

Mental Arithmetic 

Approximately ten minutes of each day is explicitly set aside for students to work independently or in small groups on mental arithmetic. Mental arithmetic is adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, and problem-solving in your head with some jottings on paper if needed. Mental arithmetic develops concentration, memory, and problem-solving skills, and helps children develop their problem-solving and memory skills. 

Year 3 students have been practicing their mental addition and subtraction skills by solving 2-digit plus/ minus a one-digit strategy using their bridging to ten strategy and/or compensation strategy.

Staff Development in Mathematics

Over the last couple of weeks our early stage 1 and stage 1 teachers attended the 'Deeper Connections to Mathematics for the K-2 Learner' SCS professional learning days. 

Teachers were involved in learning about the structural components of a mathematics lesson with an emphasis on explicit teaching of mathematical vocabulary.


All teachers will be involved in the Mathematics K-6 Syllabus Implementation network day on Monday 16th October.


Mrs Josie Antoniadis

Mathematics coordinator