Junior School

The Prep students had a great time chatting to Gideon Kabenge this week. They enjoyed asking him so many questions. We then learnt about the concepts of short, long, big and small as we created different things with Playdough.
Eden Romero
Prep Teacher
Year 1
We have been reminded recently of the scripture from Acts 20:35: “It is more blessed to give than to receive”. As a class, we have discussed how God wants us to be generous with all the good gifts He has given us. At the end of each term, the school raises money to go toward supporting Ararat Christian School in Uganda. One of our Year 1 friends, Alena decided she would donate her own money that she had been saving. Here is Alena’s recount of how her generous donation of $150.65 came about:
I collected money from my grandparents by doing chores. I usually picked up toys, packed my bag and did my homework. The money was for my family trip to Paris. I really wanted to go to Paris but I decided instead that the boys and girls in Uganda would be happier with the money. My mum told me they were very poor. One day I will still go to Paris so I will start saving again.
Thank you, Alena, for your example of compassion and a generous heart.
We also had the privilege of having Gideon Kabenge from Ararat Christian School visit our classroom this week, answering many questions the children had. The children were curious and asked many interesting questions such as:
- How many children does he have?
- What does the classroom at his school look like and how many children are in the class?
- How are we helping Uganda?
- Do you ride a motorbike or drive a car?
- What is it like to be a teacher in Uganda?
- What does the military look like?
- How do they get water?
- What is the food like?
Kerry Snook
Year 1 Teacher
Year 2
The Year 2's have been very excited about the last term of the year! We have had a wonderful start to the term so far. Students began preparing for their iMaths Investigation last week by revising their knowledge of measurement, shape and data collection. Next week the Year 2's will put this knowledge into action by planning, designing and creating a marble ramp!
We have also been brushing up on our recount writing skills as students chose a random prompt to recount on and used the computer to record a verbal recount. Some of the students' prompts included, 'Write a recount about a crazy dream that you had' or 'Write a recount about the highlight of your school year'.
We have begun our new Humanities topic - Technology Over Time, and will continue exploring how different types of technology have changed over time and how it has made life different or easier. Last week, students interviewed someone from home to see how their leisure activities have changed over time!
We were also lucky enough to have Gideon Kabenge from Ararat Christian School in Uganda join us for Maths and Reading on Wednesday. The Year 2's got to listen to Gideon read the class a story too! Thank you for visiting us, Gideon.
We're looking forward to all of the fun things ahead in this final term!
Alissa Griffin
Year 2 Teacher
Year 3
This term in Science we are studying Night and Day. So far, we have compared the relative sizes of the Earth, the Sun and the Moon. It's so amazing to think about how small we are compared to other planets, the Sun and stars. It brings out curiosity, wonder and awe as we think about how vast the universe is and how big our God is. Here are some of the students' reflections on the latest lesson:
Something new I learned today was that the Sun is way way bigger than earth.
Something that interested me was that there is a bigger planet than earth.
Something I wonder about is what the bigger planet looks like.
Something new I learned today was that the Sun can fit 1,200,000 earths inside it.
Something I wonder about is how many big stars are there.
Something I learned today is how big the Sun actually is.
I was interested in the largest star found.
I wonder how many suns would fit in the largest star.
Something new I learned today was that the earth is small.
Something that interested me was that there is a star bigger than the Sun.
Something I wonder about is what the largest planet ever looks like.
Something new I learned today was that the sun is soooo sooo so much bigger than Earth.
Something that interested me was a star so much bigger than the sun.
I'm interested in the colour of the star that was bigger than the sun.
Sometimes I wonder what the Milky Way looks like.
Something new I learned today was that there is a new star.
Something new I learned today was that the Sun is a star.
Something new I learned today was that some people are outdated (meaning they're always finding out new things about the universe so you need to be sure to have the most up to date information).
Something new I learned today was that 20 moons could fit in the earth
Something new I learned today was that the Sun is way bigger than the Earth. I learned that God is so big.
Something I wonder about is how big infinity is.
Something new I learned today was that 20 moons equals the size of earth and that more than 1 million earths can fit in the sun.
I wonder if the Sun is the smallest star.
Something I wonder about is how many quarks or atoms could fit in the universe.
Carolyn McDonald
Year 3 Teacher
Year 4
Thank you to everyone who made our Year 4 camp a success. That includes parents for preparing your child to come and equipping them with courage, food and clothing! Miss Stephen for being organised and keeping everyone not on camp in the loop. Anthony Woodhouse for being the person we needed on Thursday, the Norval camp cooks, the staff that helped students fall off a cliff with a couple of ropes tied around them, and Jesus for his protection and covering over everyone. Although there were late nights, the days were filled with adventure and intrigue. We learnt about volcanoes, rocks, native animals, natural waterways, perseverance and courage. From all accounts we had a great time away.
Steve Griffin
Assistant Head of Junior School
Year 5
Year 5 have had a wonderful time on camp at Sovereign Hill. We experienced going down into the mines and panning for gold, watching them make hard-boiled lollies and candle dipping as well as many other fun things. We loved going to the Eureka Museum and learning about the Eureka Stockade, as well as the Observatory where we got to see Saturn really clearly through the telescope. What a treat.
Naomi O'Brien
Year 5 Teacher
Junior School Art
This term it has been exciting to see the students Art abilities beginning to culminate whereby they are able to take on harder challenges and have the ability to work in new mediums. These include showing watercolours in an Art competition, creating ceramics, and painting the large scale Art poles (out the front of the Art room). There will be other opportunities coming up with the exploration of mediums such as cartooning. Here are some pictures of our extremely talented students work:
Well done to Laylah B (Year 5) who came third in the Lions Club Rotary Art competition (photo below). All of our students entered high quality art in the recent competition which was displayed on the windows at the old David Owens shop in Liebig Street over the School Holidays. Other schools competed too such as Warrnambool West and Allansford PS. Special mentions to Scarlett B, Eliza R, Rosie C (Year 5) and Hamish A and Heidi P (Year 6) who fashioned outstanding artworks and put in extra time to participate in this event.
Here are some of the amazing pictures from the recent Art showcase having graced our walls and corridors:
Please watch this space as the Year 5's and 6's are beginning to put their painting skills to the Art poles in front of the Art room.
Andrea Greene
Junior School Art Teacher