Extra-Curricula News

Inter-School Debating Round 4

The final round of Inter-School Debating took place on Wednesday 13th September with Mortdale Public coming to our school as the opposition. The topic for the debate was, 'That more land should be dedicated to National Parks'. The senior team took the affirmative side while the junior team argued against the topic. Both teams convincingly presented arguments that supported their viewpoint and in addition found flaws in their opposition's points. It was a successful day and end to the debating season for both teams who walked away with a win. Congratulations to all students who were part of the Inter-School Debating teams. It was wonderful to see their growth in knowledge and skills and they always represented our school in an exceptional way. Thank you also goes to Viktoria and Hanna for being our chairperson and timekeeper for our round four debate.

Junior Debating Team
Junior Debating Team
Senior Debating Team
Senior Debating Team
Viktoria and Hanna
Viktoria and Hanna



ECO Kids - Scarecrow success!

The ECO Kids recently built a scarecrow that was put on display at Padstow Bunnings. 

Each person helped with jobs such as:

~ collecting supplies

~ building the structure (with help from Mr Archie)

~ stuffing the clothes to make the body

~ drawing the face  on the head

~ labeling the steps and information about why we do in ECO Kids

~ naming him "Jimmy Bob"


We were in competition with other local schools. On Saturday 16th September there was a public voting at Bunnings Padstow. WE WON!!!!! We received a $200 gift card and are looking forward to using the money to build up our gardening supplies. 


All the ECO Kids did a great job working together...well done everyone!


Thank you Mrs McLennan, Miss Rhonda and Mr Archie for all your help. 


Aaliyah McKay, Johnson Fan, Rebecca Zhang.