Student Learning

Annabelle Marinelli - Deputy Principal & Learning and Teaching Leader

Welcome back!

Welcome back to another great term at Trinity! It was so lovely to see our children and families on Monday morning, happy to be back at school after our break. We also welcome new students and families who have joined our Trinity community this term. We look forward to another exciting term of learning and working together at Trinity!

Superstar Reader of the Week- Lucas (PrepCM)

This week's superstar reader is Lucas in Prep. Lucas has been working on reading and decoding some tricky words and making thoughtful responses to literal and inferential comprehension questions. Congratulations Lucas!

Learning Overviews for Term 4

The Learning Overviews for Term 4 are attached to this week's School Newsletter in our Principal's News page. We encourage you to read these, as the overviews will outline the learning that will be undertaken at each year level for this term.

Newsletter Editors

This term I have 2 very enthusiastic students helping me to proof read and edit the newsletter. Meet Isabel L and Olivia V from 1/2RT. Both students are creative writers and demonstrate exceptional editing skills. They are helping me with any spelling, typing or punctuation errors in the newsletter.

Home Learning and Home Reading

Our Home Learning and Home Reading commences again this week. 


Home Learning is sent home weekly on a Monday. It is an opportunity for children to practice learning their SMART Spelling words and further develop mathematics skills that have been introuduced and explicitly taught at school. The spelling words are differentiated to meet the learning needs of your child. All students engage in a spelling and dictation test on Friday whichfocus on the words that they have practised spelling during the week. Please see your child's teacher if you would like to know more about your child's Home Learning.


This week students will be bringing readers/books home for home reading. It would be great for you to spend a short time reading with your child as this gives them an opportunity to practice reading and reinforces the skills they are learning at school. As you know students learn and progress at different rates and therefore students will take home books at different levels appropriate to their abilities. Students are tested in an ongoing way at school so that we are tracking their growth and progress. At school we work in 'Guided Reading' sessions where we explicitly teach new reading skills such as decoding, comprehension and fluency. At school we use books that are more challenging. We call these books 'instructional'. For home reading we send books home that are at an easier level so that students build confidence, fluency and read for enjoyment. Sometimes, at a parent's request, we will send books home that are instructional or harder, but we recommend that reading at home is an enjoyable experience. Reading the library books that your child has selected and borrowed for their own reading enjoyment also offers an opportunity to enjoy some special reading time with your child. Please do not hesitate to communicate with us if you need to regarding your child's home reading. 

Staying in touch...

If you have any questions or concerns about your child's learning, please do not hesitate to make contact with your child's teacher. You are also welcome to come and see me about any aspect of learning at Trinity.


Annabelle Marinelli 

Deputy Principal - Learning & Teaching Leader