Principal's News

Mr Rodrigues

Important Notices

  1. Tonight - Confirmation Family Night at Trinity
  2. Year 3/4 Outdoor Ed Camp next Thursday & Friday
  3. Referendum Voting at Trinity. P&F Sausage Sizzle & Bake Sale. Volunteers still needed

Dear Families and Friends,

Welcome back to all our families as we begin another term together. Seeing the excitement on our children's faces, as they came throuh the gates on Monday reminds us that school is a place where our children are happy to be. Reconnecting with friends and teachers and sharing stories of the holidays are an important part of being involved in a school community. Once again, this term, there will be many wonderful learning experiences planned by teachers in all curriculum areas and many of the skills developed throughout the year will be consolidated in our final term. I have included below the links to ouir Term 4 learning overviews for your information. It is great for parents to know what will be covered throughout the the term in each of the learning areas so that conversations about learning can take place at home as well as school. 

Term 4 Learning Overviews 



School Uniform

It was very obvious on day one that most children and parents had made a great effort in ensuring correct school uniform was worn by all children.  As you may recall last term, a number of parents met to discuss our current school uniform and give feedback for us going forward. Whilst we know that parents may have different opinions about what should be expected and what is most important it is nevertheless 

important that we maintain consistency and pride in how we wear our uniform.  Most children are now wearing our new school uniform which is great to see and as communicated we will begin to provide second hand options through the school as we build a supply of these over the coming months. 

One decision we have made, with the input and support of parents, is in regard to footwear. Students will now have the option of wearing black school shoes or completely black runners (No logos/stripes etc) on Non Sports days. Other sports runners may be worn on designated Sports days only. 


School Maintenance

As you may have noticed, there has been some maintenance work carried out around the school during the holidays and new fencing erected. Whilst it may not have been obvious our old fences were in need of repair in many places and this cost of this would have been quite significant. The new fences have also enabled us to provide child safety locks and better security in certain areas of the school. Almost all of our light fittings have been upgraded to LED to eliminate old Fluorescent Tubes which we know will help to reduce our energy consumption and reduce costs.  We are also looking forward to having our adventure playground sand and tan bark replenished thanks to funds from our Parents and Friends. 



Thank you to over 30 families who completed the MACSSIS School Survey sent out last term. These surveys along with the Staff and Student surveys will provide us with important feedback which we will use to inform further school improvement. Once we receive the results from the surveys we will share our findings so that we can celebrate our strengths and continue to work together to improve our areas of challenge. 


SAC (School Advisory Committee)

Thank you to the members of our School Advisory Committee who met last night to discuss a number of important school issues.  With four parent reps on the board, Garth, Jenny, Antonia and Melissa, it is great to hear their feedback on behalf of all parents. Their suggestions in relation to important issues help us to make decisons which reflect the needs of families in our school community.  An important topic of discussion last night was in relation to introducing a new parent communication portal to help streamline and improve communication between home and school.  


Kinder information

Free kindergarten for three and four year olds

Kindergarten is proven to improve children's growth and development.

At kinder your child can move, play and explore as well as build connections with other children in their community.

Kindergarten can be accessed through stand-alone (sessional) kindergarten or integrated kindergarten in a long day care setting.

Free kindergarten programs are available for all three and four-year-old children in Victoria at participating services. It’s never too late to enrol!

To find out more about kinder visit -

Your local services - Richmond Kindergarten and Boroondara Kindergarten - have places available. To find other kindergartens in Yarra check the Starting Blocks website -

Prayer for the Start of Term

Dear Father, 

Thank you for holiday times 

For freedom, family and friends. 

Help me to keep these happy times in my heart. 

I am excited to start school

To spend time with my teachers and class friends. 

Help me to settle back into this new Term! 

Help me to learn, to grow in confidence 

And to build positive relationships with all those around me. 



Community Calendar HERE - Keep up with our important dates!


Kind Regards

Nigel Rodrigues
