
Exemplary Co-curricular Involvement 2023
At last Wednesday’s College Assembly, I was fortunate enough to speak about the improvement/increase in Co-curricular involvement in relation to the previous few years. While we are still some ways from the level of involvement that was displayed in the 2000 -2015 time period, the trend is certainly encouraging. The reality of involvement, particularly in sport enables the College to maintain fantastic “Traditional/Trial” fixtures with numerous well-know CAS and GPS Schools who have a similar ethos, tradition and set high expectations of their students.
For the past 26 years, my message to the boys has remained the same. Take the opportunities afforded to you and get involved with your mates and create many fond memories for the future.
Given the above-mentioned, it would be timely to acknowledge and commend the following Senior School boys who contributed to the College’s Co-curricular Program in an exemplary fashion over the 2023 Co-curricular year:
Five Activities
Year 7 | Year 8 |
Ryan Grogan | Dominic Moses |
Adriano Guerrieri | Maxwell Zanic |
Archie Truscott | |
Year 9 | Year 10 |
Denzel Tan | Aiden Park |
Declan Giles | Gideon Benedict |
Year 11 | Year 12 |
Isaac Edmonds | Dominic Taffa |
Christopher Gittani | |
Six Activities
Year 7 | Year 11 |
Ryan Stanmore | Thomas Coorey |
Daniel De Pasquale | |
Year 8 | Anthony Karnaout |
Kian White |
Seven Activities
Year 10 |
Lucas Biscotto |
Eight Activities
Year 9 |
Tennis, Public Speaking, Orchestral Program, Chess, Debating, Band Program, Choir and Baseball |
Christopher Mok |
2024 Co-Curricular Selection Form
The Co-curricular selection form for 2024 will be distributed electronically to all parents/carers of students in Year 6 through to Year 11 next Monday afternoon. It is imperative that parents/carers and students carefully read the information provided prior to making their choices. Most would be aware that the 2024 Co-curricular year in the Senior School commenced at the start of Term 4 this year and will conclude at the end of Term 3, 2024. Therefore boys who have recently been selected in Senior School Summer Sports teams you ensure they “tick those boxes” as opposed to those boys who are thinking of trying out at the end of Term 3 next year for the 2025 Summer season.
I would remind parents/carers that once boys indicate they are going to participate in an activity they are making a binding commitment. Please feel free to contact me if you have any queries on 9763 1000. Boys were informed at the College Assembly last Friday that the selection forms were being sent soon.
Please note that selection forms are to be completed by no later than Friday 27 October 2023.
The expectations on students in relation to their involvement in the College’s Co-curricular Program are clearly stated in the Statement of Enrolment Understanding. To date, most students and parents/carers adhere to these expectations as agreed upon at the pre-enrolment interview. In recent years, the College has been informed of several clashes relating to College Sport and outside club commitments. As such, there have been times when our students have been placed in unfortunate situations.
This year’s forms include information that outlines the time commitment, time of seasons and where competitions/performance take place that are associated with each activity. I trust this will assist parents and boys with their considered selections.
Co-curricular Photos: Online Ordering Shoot Keys
I write to inform the College community that the 2023 Senior School Co-curricular photos have been made available to St Patrick’s. Below parents/carers will find access keys, ordering instructions and relevant information relating to these photos.
Parents can use the new Grid View to see all group photos on one screen. There is also a new Favourites feature which allows parents/carers to click the heart in the top right corner of a photo. When they click on the Show Favourites tab, only the photos which have the heart highlighted will appear.
Please note that the College is waiting on the proofs to be approved for Opens Rugby, Opens Football, ISA Rugby and Football Representatives, all Tennis Teams, Athletics and Cross-Country Squads prior to forwarding the community for that Shootkey.
To purchase please visit the following web site: and enter the key listed below:
Category | Parent Ordering Code |
All Extra Curricular Groups | Y9866XPP |
Athletics | 2X8W54VV |
Baseball | X5UA6K9W |
Basketball | A43CYTDY |
Cricket | N7D484YD |
Cross Country | E4KTSHL8 |
Debating & Public Speaking | NZBRQS34 |
Football | X4NP4U7M |
Rugby | Q5JG5EGA |
Softball | NXF8ELG4 |
Sporting Representatives | 5S9SS5RU |
Student Leadership | HXMG7EEN |
Swimming | A634QXK5 |
Tennis | 7YAMQ6NE |
Touch Football | DHND6L9D |
AFL | E7PU96WV |
Group Photos are $12.00 each. Orders will be sent to parents directly, not to the College and will incur one postage charge per order.
Parents are advised that if they are experiencing any difficulty in ordering they can ring the Parent Hotline on 1300 084 586 for advice.
Steven Fochesato
Director of Co-curricular