Community News

ACER Scholarship Testing for Scholarships at NEGS
Dear Regional Schools,We're writing to let your school know that NEGS is registered for the ACER Scholarship Program. The ACER Scholarship Tests are used across Australia to identify scholarship candidates by reliably differentiating among academically able students. ACER Scholarship Tests are a series of academic ability tests used to select students for the award of a scholarship.NEGS are a registered and participating school in the ACER Scholarship Testing Program and encourage families considering NEGS to explore this opportunity. NEGS are offering Scholarships for 2025 for Academic, General Excellence and Boarding through the ACER program for Primary and Secondary students.
COOPERATIVE DATES FOR 2024 ENTRY - (Qld, NSW, NT, WA, Vic schools):Test date: Saturday the 24th of February 2024 Applications open: From September 2023 Applications close: midnight AEDT Sunday the 4th of February 2024
COST: $120.00 per student
PREFERENCES: Please ensure you select NEGS as the first preference to be considered by the School.
PROCESS: We have outlined below the 6-step process to ACER's Scholarship Testing Program.
REGISTER: via the event link below.We would kindly appreciate you passing this information on to relevant families.Families can find out more on our website here or directly through the ACER website here.