
Positive Relations

SEL sessions over the next few weeks focus on positive relations using resources from the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships Program. 


Positive Relations

Learning activities within this topic focus on building an understanding of the effects of family violence and focus on the standards associated with respectful relationships. Students develop the skills needed to solve problems, set boundaries within relationships, and play an active role within the prevention of family violence at an age appropriate level. They develop peer support and help-seeking skills that can be applied in response to situations involving gender-based violence in family, peer, community or on-line relationships.

Respectful relationships are key to preventing family violence.

We learn:

  • about the effects of family violence
  • what we should expect in a respectful relationship.

We develop skills to help prevent family violence, including how to:

  • solve problems
  • set boundaries within relationships.

We practise peer support and seeking help when gender-based violence occurs: 

  • in families
  • among peers
  • in the community
  • online.