From the School Leadership Team

Special Person's Afternoon 

What a brilliant occasion Special Person's Afternoon was last Friday! We could not have been more fortunate with the weather, the performances of each student at the concert was amazing, we loved the delicious afternoon tea generously provided by our P&F Association, and the opportunity to connect with our special visitors was phenomenal! 

It was a superb time of community and a real joy to be a part of! 


Messy Church 

A reminder that Messy Church is on again this Friday, 22nd September, from 4:30pm – 6:30pm.

Come along as a family to join in some fun including:

  • Woodwork
  • Sewing
  • Lego
  • Craft
  • Games and more

We will have a time for celebration (worship) and fellowship (dinner) afterwards.


We look forward to seeing you there!


Kiss and Drop 

A reminder that it is important that the line of traffic in kiss and drop is a steadily moving one. If you need to come into the school during the mornings or afternoons, please park in the car park instead and come into the school, as this helps to avoid delays in the kiss and drop line. 


P & F Association

A reminder that we have a brilliant Parents and Friends Association who contribute much to our school, including the amazing afternoon tea that our speical visitors will enjoy on Friday! We had a great meeting on Monday night where we continue to plan for the nature play area upgrade, as well as many other events! The P&F webpage on our website has a lot of information about our activities, events and meetings.


Class of 2013 Reunion

Our graduating Year 7 class of 2013 will enjoy their 10 year reunion on Friday 29 September at Mawson Lakes Hotel from 6.00pm. Please spread the word if you know any old scholars from this year group. Alumni who are keen to attend can RSVP by emailing us at


Will Wallace




Last week on Thursday R U OK? Day was recognised. 


Sometimes when our loved ones are struggling it can be obvious and it’s easy to check in with our children, friends and family. Other times these important people in our lives don’t always show obvious signs when life can be challenging.


The concept of R U OK? Day is a great way to check in with each other. Don’t be afraid to do so.


I love the 4 steps that R U OK? Day promote when having a conversation – 

  1. Ask R U OK?
  2. Listen
  3. Encourage action
  4. Check in

For more information check out the R U Ok? Website.


It doesn’t have to be on special days either. Asking R U Ok? can be asked any day and any time!


Tim Kriewaldt

Deputy Principal/Learning Support Coordinator



GGLPS teaches through an inquiry approach, Inquiry involves the student in their learning, drawing on student curiosity, exploration and understanding. The inquiry approach uses: 

  • Play 
  • Problem based learning 
  • Collaboration  
  • Experimentation 
  • Explicit teaching 

The use of these approaches is determined by the purpose of the learning and the knowledge, skill and understanding of the learner. Teachers navigate through learning experiences, thinking about the purpose and the learner and making decisions based on these considerations.   


As part of the learning profile within the PYP (Programme of Inquiry), students are supported to become ‘inquirers’. The IB says: 


‘Inquiry nurtures curiosity and promotes enthusiasm for life-long learning. Effective inquiry encourages students to think, challenge and extend their ideas; it prompts students to reflect and take action. Through the inquiry process, students develop and demonstrate/practice the approaches to learning (skills of communication, research, thinking, self-management and social) and the attributes of the learning profile.’ Principles into Practice: Teaching and Learning P40 


Inquiry can range from teacher guided to completely open and the employment of guidance level is based on the age of the students and the development of their skills as inquirer. Teachers also consider the different needs and interests of students as learners which also impact on the decisions around the approaches used within inquiry. 


When inquiring, student agency through voice, choice and ownership of their learning. It is our aim to grow the skills of our learners so that they can be confident learners who remain curious, ask questions and seek solutions and take action. 


Jayne Zadow 

Director of PYP, Teaching and Learning