
Growing Through Collaboration


Last week we reflected on the concept of community and the Biblical truth that we are created in God’s image as relational beings designed to work together. For our learning community to be a really successful one, this is a simple foundation - our collective willingness to do all that we can in excellence as we strive together to collectively glorify God.


Last Friday afternoon at Special Person’s Afternoon was a classic example of this! As I was around the school seeing our students, special visitors, parent volunteers and staff team in their different roles, the truth of this was evident everywhere!


We had a team of students working together to practice and perform items, many taking on choir and lead roles, serving as MC’s, music group members and providing support on the technology (BAR) desk. Thank you to our students who give os willingly of their gifts and talents to perform at our concert and to share their learning in the open classrooms!

We had an amazing team of parent volunteers serving everyone gathered a lovely afternoon tea with snacks and drinks - a huge undertaking! Thank you!


We have a phenomenal staff team of people, all with unique abilities and talents working together and preparing the whole school for an amazing afternoon of community and connection - thank you!


It is the diversity amongst across our learning community which enables these things, and many others, to flourish and thrive, creating a a great sense of harmony, shared purpose and collaboration. At its foundation, our community has a great sense of unity and purpose in Christ. We continue to grow stronger and stronger as we appreciate our strengths and collectively collaborate together. 


Messy Church this Friday afternoon will be another classic example of this as our church volunteers also contribute massively to our community to enable us to have great times of connectedness and celebration together. I encourage all of our school families ot come along for the fun activities with the kids and the fellowship over a meal afterwards - as well as the celebration of our great God! 


Thank you for being a part of the Golden Grove Lutheran team! 


Dear God, thanks for the gift of collaboration and being able to celebrate the way that our unique God-given gifts and talents can come together as we enjoy an awesome range of community events which bring glory to you . Amen. 


Will Wallace
