Marrung Education Plan

Deadly Tukka / Journey Tracks


For the last few weeks, Vanessa Murdoch (Aboriginal Health Promotion Officer from Each) has been coming into the school to support the learning and social development of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. She facilitates two programs; "Deadly Tukka" which is a nutritional program where students can also prepare traditional food and "Journey Tracks" which students will learn about the following:

  • Understanding the importance of Indigenous foods, plants, and their purposes
  • Connecting to Country
  • Environmental resources and sustainability
  • Cultural education (traditional clothing and tools etc)
  • Cultural activities

So far, students have loved the tasty experience!!




Voice to Parliament Referendum


As you know, over the weekend the Commonwealth government held a referendum on whether to alter the Australian Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice.


Enough votes have been counted for us to know that the referendum did not pass.


There will be different responses to this outcome, including disappointment or distress for many students, staff and communities.


We, as a school, and as a community, will do what we can to support our students and families during this time. Please reach out of you believe your child would benefit in support from staff and/or our Wellbeing services. 


This resource provides further information about supporting students, especially Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and staff can also contact Yarning SafeNStrong or 13 YARN – both 24-hour, free and confidential counselling services run by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations.


Shane Hunt

Community Relationships & Connectedness