
Students Of The Week ~Week 9 Term 3

for Attitude, Values and Study Habits


K-2 ~ Elsie Groves (Yr 2)

for consistently working hard to achieve learning goals .


Yr 3-6 ~ Ellie Rodstrom (Yr 3)

for being a caring friend to her peers on the school excursion.


Reading Awards

150 Nights ~ Elsie Groves

175 Nights ~ Archer Bates

200 Nights ~ Archer Bates


                                                  ASSEMBLY ITEM TIMETABLE

Yr 2-6 Dubbo ZooSnooz Excursion

Dubbo Western Plains Zoo: What an amazing camp! Last Wednesday and Thursday students in Year 2-6 went to Dubbo to the ZooSnooz. We arrived at 11:30am where we had morning tea and enjoyed the Lemurs doing tricks on their high ropes. This was followed by a walk around the zoo where we saw the meerkats, rhinos, tigers, otters, elephants and so many more. A highlight was the Asian elephant waving to us with his trunk as we went past. The children certainly were captivated. We then hopped on the bus and headed to our camp for the night where we were greeted by our amazing zoo guides Sue, Isabelle and Courtney. The children set up their tents and then had some time out playing altogether. For dinner the students were spoilt with a BBQ which they happily finished. After dinner we headed off for a night walk with our torches in the dark. This was certainly an adventure spotting wallabies, an emu, koalas and possums. Mrs Goddard had a close encounter with the possum which she will certainly remember! When we returned to camp we were treated to cake and hot chocolate. It was then lights out and the children were so tired that they all fell asleep nice and early much to the relief of the teachers. We were up again early the next morning where we were again lucky to have a continental breakfast; toast, cereal and fruit. When everyone had finally had their fill we packed our tents up and headed out on our last adventure with our zoo guides. We enjoyed being part of the feeding of the tigers, the hippo and the bongos. The baby bongo was an especially cute sight! The zoo guides did a great job teaching us all about the different animals and we certainly learnt a lot and had many new experiences. I'm sure the kids were tired when they got back home but it really was an amazing experience! Well done to all the students for their exceptional behavior throughout the excursion.


Some photos of the excursion