Senior School Opportunities at BBPS

Year Five and Six Leadership Opportunities in Term 3
Our Year Five and Six students have had a busy week actioning many of their leadership roles and areas of passion this term!
The Year 5 Upstanders attend their Forum Event alongside Hampton Primary, Beaumaris Primary, Sandringham Primary and Sandringham East, where the 2023 Upstanders teams meet in person for the first time.
Our Upstanders program is one we take great pride in as it was started by Mrs May over ten years ago and is still going strong. This is a program designed to promote anti bullying behaviour and give leadership opportunities.
This year the Upstanders teams are taking on the challenge of working with our guest artist Noni Drew in conjunction with the Bayside Council and Gallery to create and design impactful messages about anti bullying on decals that will be features in local spots around the Bayside area and hopefully in each of our schools!
At the Forum Event, our BBPS Upstanders started their day meeting with Zoe Daniels and then had the privilege of participating in dance workshops with the Indigenous Outreach Program ( as well as meeting our guest artist Noni and having a tour of the gallery.
While our Upstanders were learning how they can change the world, our Year Five Waste Warriors were also hard at work doing a beach clean up and letting a classes know about the Pen Recycling Program program they have initiated and teaching all our BBPS students how they can recycle pens, highlighters, textas, the winning class will each receive a small prize pack from OfficeWorks. Keep up the great work Waste Warriors!
Year 6 Debating at Brighton Secondary
Our passionate Year 6 students Belle, Daniel, Johnny, Michael, Anton and Xinson participated in the debating competition at Brighton Secondary. They covered topics such as 'We should close all zoos', and 'we should abolish standardised testing' and 'Australia should increase its reliance on solar power'. Congratulations to our grade 6 debaters, who had a successful day of debating at Brighton Secondary College. We are proud of you!
Debating Debrief Belle, Dan, Johnny, Xinson and Michael
We represented BBPS to compete against other Bayside schools. When we compete, we try hard because we always think …‘its against all odds’ ‘it’s like we are the underdogs.’
It felt like we were never supposed to win but we came closer than we ever thought we would. We always go in being realistic, and to do our best. To think you are going to win – is not what its about, it is about trying your best and then going for improvement. Then when we won the second debate it was such a good feeling.
At first it is nerve racking. Then by the second debate my legs were less shaky (Michael), I did not feel like I was spinning (Dan). I could actually read the paper because my hands weren’t shaking (Belle). I was able to focus and not be thinking one million things (Xinson). My brain was like an on and off switch. Nervous and not nervous (Johnny).
Something we learnt for next time – be prepared for anything, because in the last minute of preparation for the second debate, my pen ran out of ink. That was not helpful.
My favourite topic was - We shouldn’t close all zoos. Belle achieved speaker of the debate twice. That’s because:
- She was confident
- She spoke clearly
- She had the perfect length of summing up speech
- And she ticked all the boxes she had really great eye-contact.
Overall the adjudication was fair.
Term 4 Community Action Project
Helping Others - Noble Park Language School resource drive
Spelling Bee and Maths Olympiad winners were rewarded this week by our Academic Captains with a pizza party.
Anton and Michael reflected that it was nerve racking at first talking in front of the whole school, and that they needed a team approach to leadership and drew on the expertise of others.
Our winners talked about overcoming nerves by taking a breath, practicing at home, and staying focussed.
Well done to our leaders for this initiative and congratulations again to our winners.