Waste Warriors

Our Waste Warriors hard at work
Our Waste Warriors hard at work


The Year 5 Waste Warrior Team has been busy with our Pen Recycling Program. During Term 3, we asked all the students of the school to recycle any used pens, textas, highlighters into the provided Pen Recycling bins. These pens will later be sent to OfficeWorks where they will recycle these plastics into things such as sustainable outdoor furniture.


As a school, we have already recycled over 1400 items!


The bins have now been emptied and returned to the classes, and students will have one more month to recycle any additional pens.


Members of the class that recycle the most pens will each receive an OfficeWorks prize pack. Please see how your class is currently tracking.


Prep W: 52

Prep BC: 34

1B: 167

1F: 108

2C: 77

2P: 38

3B: 151

3C: 0

3W: 99

4G: 131

4R: 48

5C: 169

5W: 244

6B: 0

6G: 14


Thank you and keep recycling those pens!!