St James Religious Dimension

Religious Education / Parish News



With the sacrament of confirmation approaching for the year six class, there are often many questions about this sacred rite. Inspired by this curiosity, I consulted my friend Br Lawrence MGL, based in Melbourne, for a suitable movie to explain confirmation to kids. Br Lawrence hosts the "Myth Pilgrim Podcast" on Spotify, featuring over 80 episodes.


Br Lawrence enthusiastically recommended Disney's "Encanto" as the ideal film for this purpose. I didn't expect Disney to produce such a great film filled with good lessons, but there you go. In this movie, a magical family possesses unique gifts tied to a special candle gifted after Mirabel's grandfather, Pedro, sacrificed his life to save the family. This act mirrors the Christian narrative of Jesus sacrificing himself on the cross to gift the Holy Spirit to the church, distributing diverse gifts to its members.


In the Christian faith, we celebrate baptism as a child's initiation into God's family, symbolised by water and a candle. Confirmation occurs when children reach the age of reason and choose to receive the Holy Spirit, enabling them to contribute to the betterment of the Church and society. It can be likened to passing on the candle of faith from parents and sponsors to the child, signifying their newfound responsibility in life.


In "Encanto," each family member experiences a special ceremony where magic bestows their unique gift, similar to the confirmation celebration in the church. This underscores the solemnity with which the church regards this sacrament and the responsibility it imparts to individuals. It's important to note that the gifts of the Holy Spirit received in confirmation are bestowed by the Holy Spirit itself. The gifts are as follows:


Knowledge: to know how to be in good relationships with God, with myself and with other people.

Piety (Reverence): to respect and care for myself and all people and all things in our world

Understanding: to be understanding of others, to be able to feel with them, to be empathetic

Fortitude (courage): to be Abel to stand up for what I believe in, to stand up for myself and others, to do what is right even if it’s hard.

Wisdom: to be able to learn from whatever happens to me; to become a better person even when hard things happen.

Counsel (right judgement): to be able to choose what is good and true.

Fear of the Lord (wonder and awe): to notice all the good things God does for me, to know how God is with me in the special people who love me and in all that is beautiful in our world.


These are the gifts of the Holy Spirit and you can certainly see most of them at work in the main character Mirbel. There is also a profound connection to the further special gifts of the Holy Spirt or Charisms (Gratuitous gifts). These gifts, such as prophecy, healing, preaching, and more, are paralleled in the characters of the movie. Bruno, for example, exhibits the gift of prophecy. His words are often confronting because they are a warning, which is why he was rejected at first, much like the prophets of the Old Testament and Jesus. As these gifts are bestowed upon individuals by the Holy Spirit in the church, in the movie, they are predetermined by magic.


The film highlights the importance of recognizing and using one's unique gifts, even when they may not be immediately apparent. Mirabel, the main character, initially believes she lacks a special gift. However, she discovers that her most precious gift is love, a fundamental virtue in Christianity.


"Encanto" also delves into family dynamics, shedding light on the cracks that can exist beneath the surface of even seemingly perfect families. Mirabel, akin to individuals guided by the Holy Spirit, is the first to recognise these issues and strives to address them. She demonstrates spiritual gifts like prophecy, discernment of spirits, healing, and counsel. Most importantly, she fosters good relationships within the family.


Throughout the movie, themes of love and forgiveness emerge as powerful forces that mend the fractures within the family. This underscores the Christian principle of forgiveness, as emphasised by Jesus.


Ultimately, Mirabel's gift of love proves to be the most significant, echoing St. Paul's teachings “The greatest of [gifts] is love” 1 Corinthians 13. This theme of love driving out fear that all her family members even herself were struggling with and healing divisions resonates with the spiritual life and the importance of forgiveness.


"Encanto" brings together the physical and spiritual realms, emphasising that individuals are meant for more than material wealth and fame. They are called to a mission of spreading love, strengthening families, and building up the Church.


As we celebrate the confirmation of our youth, it's essential to reflect on our own relationships and address any underlying issues, just as Mirabel did in the movie. Let us embrace the great gift of love and invite the Holy Spirit into our hearts and the hearts of our children for the betterment of the world. Hopefully they can be listed amongst the 10,000 recognised saints of the Catholic Church whom excelled in the gifts of the Holy Spirit bringing about a transformation in culture in their time and place.


Corey Payton

St James Chaplain






Confirmation completes Baptism, by which in the laying on of hands and the anointing with Chrism Oil, which first happened at Baptism, we are confirmed with the fullness of the Holy Spirit. We are reminded of our participation in the ministry and mission of Jesus, and strengthened to follow Jesus more closely.


This term the Year 6 students prepare for Confirmation. We look forward to students, sponsors and their parents attending our Preparation evening, next Tuesday, 17th October. We ask all families to keep them in their prayers.



We are very excited to start up again, the St James Choir is to sing at the Sacrament of Confirmation and we invite all students in Year 3 to 5 to join the hoir.


This requires students to attend the Sacrament of Confirmation on Friday 17th of November at St Joan of Arc. Students are to be dropped off at 4:40pm in their full school uniform and be collected at 6pm. 


We will meet each week during the first half of Tuesday lunchtime and Thursday recess in the Library starting next week. 


Secondary Enrolments

If there are any parents that require dates or a letter confirming sacraments, please email and I will be able to provide that information for you. 


Important Dates


Tuesday 10th - Year 6 Confirmation Reflection Evening @ 5:30pm


Thursday 9th - Year 6 Confirmation Reflection Day

Friday 17th - Sacrament of Confirmation @ 5pm, St Joan of Arc


Emma Herbert

RE Leader



How to Sign up for as a parishioner of Bayside Catholic Mission



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