Sport Updates

Division Athletics
Good luck to our students Ava, Lukas and Hudson who are participating at the Division Athletics tomorrow. We are very proud of you!
SEDA Footy Inflatables
Next Tuesday the 10th of October, ALL students are to wear their sports uniform to school as they will be participating in the SEDA footy inflatables. This event was canceled last term due to inclement weather conditions.
Swimming Program
Swimming lessons for students in Prep - Year 4 begin on Tuesday 17th October at King Swim in Dingley.
Classes will take place on Tuesday 17th and 24th October, Thursday 19th and 26th October and Friday 20th and 27th October.
An Operoo will be sent home in the coming days once timetables are finalised.
Our 5/6 students are attending the Futsal Gala Day on Monday 16th October. Best of luck to all our teams. An Operoo has been sent to all parents.