Principals' Report

I hope everyone is looking forward to tomorrow’s colour run. I heard there was some sliming happening to some staff members. I really hope they are ready for it!!!
Remember to wear as much white as you can if you are going to be coloured or wear yellow if you are not going to be coloured and come ready to have some fun!
It looks like we have raised enough to get the farm building (outside) painted so we can book that in ASAP – thanks to the PFA who have put so much work into the organization of this!
The Oval
It is open to all! The fences are down and now it is in full use. Yes, there are weeds that are currently being managed out of the grass in a safe fashion, but it is certainly refreshing to have our play space back for the end of the year.
Principal Mentor
From 30th October I will welcome Skye Blythe to our principal class team. Skye will be coming to LPS for 4 weeks to shadow me and learn about being a principal. I participated in the same program in 2018 and it gave me an invaluable insight into the role. Skye comes from Officer Secondary College and will no doubt be able to add value to our school in the time she is here. When you see her, please make her feel welcome!
We have increased reports of students testing positive to Covid. Whilst there are no mandates around isolation, I do ask that your child stays home until symptoms have subsided to avoid infecting other students and teachers and indeed those who remain vulnerable.
Year 5 Camp
A huge thank you to all parents and staff who attended Year 5 camp. From all reports it looked like an amazing time despite some poor weather. These types of activities don’t happen without our helpers giving up much of their own time. So, thanks again!
Year 1 and 2 Swimming
A special thank you to the helpers during Year 1 and 2 swimming. These weeks are intense but very worthwhile for our students.
Have a great fortnight,
Mark Moorhouse