Specialist News

Physical Education

All year levels are enjoying the warmer weather and being outside for Physical Education lessons.  A reminder that on days when the students have Physical Education they must come with a hat and drink bottle. 

Foundation, Year 2 and Year 4 students have loved having coach Jesse from DS sports running cricket clinics on Tuesdays. The skill development and progression each week has been wonderful to see. 

Year 1, Year 3 and Year 5/6 students have also been completing cricket sessions with me on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Here is what some of the students have said about cricket program:

"I have loved getting better at throwing and bowling" - Cameron

"The throwing games have been so much fun" - Charlotte 

"Bob the Builder throwing game was lots of fun" - Kai

Social Wellbeing


The foundation students have been working on our sharing and taking turns. Using manners to ask for items we wish to borrow. We have also begun discussing the Road to Regulation and the importance of acknowledging what we are feeling and what tool we need to help us manage our behaviour appropriately.

Junior School

Years 1 and  2 have been using their detective skills to read the body language of the people around us. If we can understand what emotion our friends are feeling we are better able to help them.

Middle School

Years 3 and 4 have been looking at the Stop section of our Road to Regulation. Stop is about identifying what the problem is and analysing how we are feeling but also how our friend is feeling by using our detective skills. We have looked at some different scenarios and shown the emotions we would feel using face, voice and body cues.

Senior School

The year 5 and 6 students have continued their unit on the show Hardball. Looking at safe ICT use, cultural diversity and understanding and goal setting through the use of the show and the adventure the characters go on.

Artistic Flair

We are keeping our work a secret in the last week before the Fiesta (sorry no photos).

I hope to see all of our families on Friday 17th November. Make sure to visit the Oasis room where you will find 'glowing' artworks, the staffroom where you will find other interesting artworks and the Artistic Flair room where you will see more art and musical instruments to play!


The Glow Garden  

Take a step into the magical Glow Garden where you will find:


-Glowing flower gardens 

-Colourful glowing butterflies

Year 1/2

-Glowing "Norman the Slug with the Silly shell"

-Glowing doodle bugs

Year 3/4

-Glowing paper clay flowers

-Glow in the dark spider webs

-Four Season trees with glowing leaves

-Glowing symmetrical leaves

-Glow in the dark leaf prints

Year 5/6

-Glow in the dark garden gnomes

-Glow in the dark Pete Cromer inspired garden animals


The Art Show


-Eric Carle inspired Hungry Caterpillars

-Oil pastel rubbings

-Owl babies 'fork' paintings

Year 1/2

-"My Family" Indigenous paintings

-Collaborative dream catcher

Year 3/4

-Indigenous Yarning Stick (or talking stick)

-Modrian/World Wildlife Day Painting

Year 5/6

-Human figure wire scuptures

-String drag paintings


**Please note- Every student who attends Artistic Flair will have one or more items on display at the Fiesta. Due to student absences/school events it is not guaranteed that every student will have multiple pieces of artwork on display. 

Environmental Studies

Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2

The students have been focusing on natural resources this term, they have been identifying what things are made of and what natural resource it comes from. In Year 2 we made ice-cream to highlight everything comes from something natural.

Middle School

Year 3 students learnt to make salsa and guacamole over the last two weeks, they were pleasantly surprised by the taste of their salsa. Next time you are having Nachos ask them to help you out, they are great chef's!

Year 4 students have been busy planting out the garden, our first round of planting was a disaster as everything got eaten by bugs. This lead us to an investigation of what it could be, we narrowed it down to slaters! So apparently you leave out orange peel for them and this will stop them from eating the plants. So far so good we have replanted and only lost a couple.

Senior School

The Year 5/6 students are continuing investigations into matter and so far we have doen experiments with suspensions and solutions and looked at how changes are either reversible and irreversible by making some slime!! The students loved this...... not so sure about the teachers and parents.

Budding environmentalists

Our leaders come in all shapes and sizes. Recently, Senior School Enivironmental and Sustainability leaders attend a Biomimicry experience at the Royal Botanic Gardens Cranbourne.

Their knowledge and understanding of our impact on the environment and importance of plant and wildlife conversation continues to grow