Education News


Senior School News

Term 4 is a busy and exciting term for the the Senior school as students start to prepare to move into leadership roles and high school. 


This term we have started a Transition to High School program, where students move between the three senior school classes for reading, writing and maths lessons. They have been developing their organisational skills through reading timetables, managing materials and filling in their diaries. Students have throughly enjoyed this process and are looking forward to our elective subjects towards the end of the year. 


During the last two weeks, senior school students have been participating in the ‘Talk About It’ program facilitated by Life Education.

 They have been learning about the social, emotional and physical changes associated with growing up and laying the foundation for healthy relationships now and in the future. The students found the sessions relaxed, engaging and informative and our facilitator, Tara was impressed with their maturity and behaviour. 


In Guided Inquiry, the Year Five students have been exploring the qualities of a good leader. They have begun writing their speeches for leadership positions and those who wish to apply will present these in week seven. We wish them the best of luck in this process. 


Meanwhile, the Year Six students have been busily preparing for their Mercado stalls at the upcoming CSPS Fiesta. They have been learning about budgeting, profit and loss and brand marketing. They  have created a fantastic range of products which will be available for purchase on the day. Don't forget to bring your cash down to the Fiesta to support them! 

Clare Bennett

on behalf of the Senior School Team. 

Year 3 and 4 Excursion

Year 3 and 4 have been exploring the topic of where our food and fibre come from in our Guided Inquiry topic "From the FARM to the HOME." We were extremely lucky to visit a regenerative farm "Uncommon Folk" where we could expand our learning in the real world, exploring the relationship between animals and nature.   This relationship is extremely important for understanding sustainable practices in how our food and fibre are produced. We look forward to showing you our learning at Student Led Conferences with our "Fiesta Harvest Baskets." 

Middle School Teachers