Attendance Matters 

Attendance Expectations @ CSPS

With the distribution of the Curriculum Contributions for 2024, the Attendance Expectations @ CSPS agreement has now been shared.  

Please take a moment to familiarise yourself with this document.  It will help you understand the school/parent process expectations throughout the school year.


We appreciate the support of parents/carers to ensure students are present at school and given the best possible opportunities to participate in their educational journey.

Curriculum Related Events - Attendance Expectations

Throughout the school year, students are given the opportunity to participate in 'events'.  These events may be in the way of an incursion (in school event) or excursion (out of school event). 


There is a large amount of planning involved in offering these opportunities, to ensure a safe, fun and educational experience for students.


In almost all cases, the incursion/excursion are planned around the current topic being investigated in the classroom (curriculum related events) or are events we are required to provide by DET curriculum guidelines (Swimming & Water Safety Program / Respectful Relationships).

Therefore we ask that parents view these opportunities as an extension of the classroom and not as something students can choose or choose not to participate in.


If the choice is made that a student does not participate in an event, for example to not attend a camp, students are STILL expected to attend school and continue with their learning during this time.


All effort is made to ensure costs are at a minimum or subsidised where funding is provided.  We encourage parents/carers to make contact with office staff if financial assistance is required.


We enjoy providing these opportunities for the students and want everyone to be able to participate!


Please note: events described as a 'fundraising activity' are optional. 


We thank you for your support,

AIIT (Attendance Intervention & Improvement Team)