P.E. News

Term 3
Foundation students spent time practising their jumping, leaping, hopping and dodging during various games and activities. They were also introduced to basic gymnastics, with the focus on learning how to control their bodies. This involved moving like different animals, holding themselves still in various static positions, and using their bodies to make different letters of the alphabet.
Students from Years 1 – 6 were introduced to 2 new units in Term 3: Tennis and Orienteering.
In the Tennis unit students practised how to hold and swing the racquet correctly, different ways of hitting the ball (forehand, backhand, slice) were introduced to the basic rules and strategies of how to play tennis and finished by playing a game of real tennis (including umpiring their own games).
During the Orienteering unit students were required to learn about directions (north, south, east and west) and use this information to follow directions or read a map to achieve various goals. These included making a giant compass in the hall and racing each other to go to the various points on the compass and completing a course of various coloured cones using a map. The final stage is a real orienteering course around the entire school, which will be done at the end of the year.
Term 4
The focus for all students in Term 4 is Athletics. Each week they will focus on a different event and have a chance to be timed or measured for each.
Students in Foundation to Year 2 are introduced to the events using modified equipment.
The results of students in Years 3 – 6 will help determine who is selected for the athletics team next year. They will also provide an overview of each student’s speed, strength and agility.