Learning Space News

Year 1/2
We have had a busy start to Term 4!
We are embarking on an exciting journey to consolidate our year-long learning through an engaging author study. The focus will be the wonderful world of Mem Fox's books. As we dive into her captivating stories, students will master the art of summarising, making insightful comparisons and connections, sharing their opinions, and gaining a deeper understanding of text genres. We're fostering inquisitive minds by encouraging questions and answers, as well as honing prediction skills—before, during, and after reading.
In addition to our author study, students are becoming budding storytellers this term. Every student will go on a creative narrative adventure, where they will develop their own unique writing talents through a structured series of lessons on narrative writing. Here, choice and voice are celebrated as students select their own narrative writing topics, allowing their imagination to run wild. Along the way, they'll refine their craft, perfecting the art of editing, revising, and adding punctuation to their drafts, all in preparation for the thrilling moment of publishing their very own narratives. This term in Literacy we are aiming for a journey filled with creativity, self-expression, and boundless storytelling potential.
In Year 1, students are revisiting the concepts of place value and data. They are applying their knowledge of place value to represent, model and order two-digit numbers. They are learning how to recognise 10 more or less of a number and how to represent a number according to its place value. Students are revisiting counting forawrds and backwards by 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s. They will explore these concepts through maths games, solving number patterns and counting groups of objects.
Students been learning how to create a survey question to collect data on a topic of their choice. They have used this information to create simple graphs that they can interpret and compare with others. During the term, students will also revisit the concepts of capacity, calendars and addition and subtraction.
In Year 2, students are revisiting concepts taught throughout the year. They are applying their place value knowledge to solve problems with three or four-digits. They are using a variety of strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems, such as the jump strategy, the split strategy and the vertical algorithm. Students are representing multiplication using groups of, arrays and repeated addition. They are learning to make connections between multiplication and division through sharing collections and fractions.
Students are comparing and ordering volume and capacity using informal units. They are also revisiting calendars, shapes and graphs.
Social Emotional Learning
Students are participating in an innovative and exciting new program called URSTRONG. It teaches students a range of skills for making and keeping healthy friendships. They will learn to deal with their emotions in different situations and their feelings in a healthy way. The concepts are explored through games, videos, acting out scenarios and different drawing and writing tasks. Students will be introduced to Friendology which involves learning how to be kind, caring and respectful to oneself and to others.
The friendship facts students will learn include:
- No friendship is perfect
- Every friendship is different
- Trust and respect are important qualities in friendship
- Friendships change and that’s okay
Students are learning to strive for healthy green zone relationships on the Friend-O-Meter. They will explore what sparks Friendship Fires and and how to put them out!