Student Wellbeing Day

ARPS was awash with students smiling, laughing and dancing on Friday 13th October when we celebrated Student Wellbeing Day.
All students participated in performances by the company The Playground Craze.
Students in Foundation – Year 2 watched a performance titled ‘The Happiness Habit’. This incursion highlighted the importance of looking after your own wellbeing and taught students about looking for joy in everyday life activities.
Students in Years 3-6 were treated to a high energy performance titled ‘Highlight Reel’. This incursion highlighted the concepts of online safety, kindness and resilience in the digital world, making good decisions on the web and seeking help and support when you are unsure online. Students were danced to the latest online trends and dances and sang songs all with the message of encouraging confidence, resilience and kindness in our students when they are online in the digital world.
In learning spaces, all students completed the first lessons of UR Strong, a program that aims to create a kinder world by empowering students with friendship skills. This is going to be an amazing bank of tools that students will be able to access when they are having difficulties with friends. It reminds us that we are all deserving of strong friendships.
Our doors were open in the afternoon to all families. It was so positive to see so many families interacting with their children in our learning spaces and participating in activities with a common theme of kindness and friendship.
At the end of the day, all students received a wellbeing showbag and a delicious donut to take home.