Student Learning

Learning Across the School
Congratulations on an excellent year of learning at Fitzroy PS. As teachers finalise reports for this semester, it has been pleasing to see the growth in learning across the school.
The Foundation students worked through a series of traditional tales, including – The Country Mouse, The Three Little Pigs and Goldilocks. Students rewrote, acted out and created books. As well this, they have been working on emotions based on the book ‘Parfois je me sens’ or ‘How do you feel?’ by Anthony Browne by creating self-portraits and emotion museums.
The 1/2 students have been learning about the Yarra River including the animals and plants that grow or live within the river system. They also investigated where the river starts and ends and the different paths it takes to the mouth. In Numeracy the 1/2s focused on a Mathematical Modelling unit where students planned in groups a boat trip on the Yarra and calculated the total cost of each item for four people.
The 3/4 teachers and students have been working with the Numeracy coach this semester and have just completed a successful unit with a focus on Mathematical Modelling. Students designed their own restaurants that focused on budgets and profits.
The Year 5s have been excelling at the Writer’s Workshop this term whilst the Year 6 students have worked on their ‘Memories’ project for graduation. It has been pleasing to see the year 5s develop their writing by giving and receiving feedback in a constructive manner. The Year 6s have been working through the program “Passport to Success” to support their transition to high school. We are looking forward to the Year 6 students presenting their song and dance for their graduation in a few weeks.