School News and Information
Welcome to Term 4! We have certainly had a busy start to term 4.
We hope you enjoyed watching the Kindergarten movie in last weeks GULGOS. If you missed it last week, click on the link below.
The kids all loved watching themselves on the final movie when we showed them!
Ange Harris put the movie together showcasing what we do in Kinder each day. What an amazing job she did! Sometimes it is hard to explain what our learning looks like, or what the other activities we do each day involve. This short movie shows so much in just a few minutes. Each day in Kindergarten is precious!
Here is just a snippet of what we have already done this term...
We had the best time at Thalgarrah for the Teddy Bears Picnic! We learned about what animals need to survive. We can remember it using the acronym PAWS - Plants, Air, Water, Shelter. There was some disappointed looks on the kids faces at morning tea when Matt from Thalgarrah said that we would just be having plants for morning tea! Fortunately no one cried, when the teddies "took" all the lunch baskets and then hid in the forest. The eager owners of the teddy bears had to solve some clues and go on a bear hunt to find their picnic.
Numbers can be represented in different ways such as, in numerals, pictures, with concrete materials etc. We have been practicing choosing various numbers in our Maths lessons and showing our understanding of these using different representations.
Resilience Trees (photos above).
Our Personal Development unit this term is called Resilience is Brilliant. The unit which is being taught from Kindergarten to Year 6 students in our school, is all about empowering students to develop resilience that can support them to respond positively to different situations. The Resilience Tree which we worked on, is a metaphor for resilience that, just as a tree has many different parts, so too does resilience. There are many factors that combine and influence our resilience.
Enjoy the rest of your week!
Felicity Pennington, Ange Harris and Kim See
Library/Technology News
We are finishing the year with a bang in the Library this term!!!
Stage 2 and 3 have been developing their engineering and coding skills by building machines that push and pull. The students have been making connections with their learning in Science and applying skills learnt to the technology component.
Stage 1 are continuing their Robotic coding journey and are discovering how to control the DashBot using block based coding.
Kindergarten are getting ready for Stage 1 by learning the detailed steps of turning on and unlocking a laptop by typing in our own DET username and password and finding our way to our homepage. Well Done Kindergarten!!
Exciting announcement, introducing MGPS first ‘Tree Trough’ research group. These 8 students will be collaborating with students from our region through regular TEAMs meetings to compare the data collected of the wildlife that visits the Tree Trough. Our first two meetings are this Thursday and Thursday week 7. Stay tuned as we update our school community of all the feathered and furred animals that visit our school nature area!
Library books will all need to be returned by the end of Week 8.
Keep asking questions and having fun learning,
Mrs Dunham
Our Term 4, Week 5 You Can Do It Champions!
Kindergarten Koalas
Liam received his You Can Do It award for displaying great confidence when being interviewed on the radio.
1/2 Magpies
Grendel received his You Can Do It award for becoming more resilient when completing his work. [absent]
1/2 Possums
Polly received her You Can Do It award for always being a resilient and free-spirited learner.
3/4 Bilbies
William received his You Can Do It award for facing challenges with resilience and a cool, calm attitude. You’re a star, Will! [absent]
3/4 Wombats
Emalie received her You Can Do It award for showing empathy to everyone, every day. You are amazing!
5/6 Emus
Eily received her You Can Do It award for listening carefully to what others are saying and showing empathy.
Tobias received his You Can Do It award for conducting himself on and off the field with fairness and respect towards others.
5/6 Dingoes
Lucinda received her You Can Do It award for her empathy and understanding as a teacher of her dance group.
Congratulations Merit Award Winners!