VCE Exam Errors

After a week of significant media attention and public interest, the VCAA has provided secondary and P–12 principals with an update regarding the next steps to address the errors in this year’s VCE examinations.
Principals have now received template letters to share with VCE students, parents, carers, and school communities. While this communication is a welcome step, it would have been more supportive and helpful if it had been shared earlier. School leaders faced questions and concerns from their communities last week and would have benefited greatly from having timely guidance to address these.
Recognising the evolving nature of this issue, compounded by intense media coverage, earlier communication with principals could have provided greater reassurance to students, parents, and staff during a challenging time. The Minister’s office has acknowledged this oversight and we have emphasised the importance of clear and timely communication moving forward.
Published information relating the exam assessment process, including Q&As, may be found at the VCAA website. For any additional questions or support, please contact the VCAA by email at