Teaching and Learning 

Ms Ashley Kuusela - Assistant Principal / Mrs Peta Phillips - Acting Assistant Principal

Dear Karoo Community,


As we progress further into the last term of the year, teachers are beginning to compile their student’s formal assessment results, classroom observations, and the knowledge they have of your child and what they know and can do, to write their Semester 2 report. 


We are always looking at how we can enhance the way we do things. Following the last semester report, several parent surveys went home to parents, including one on the Student-Led Conference, as well as one for Semester Reports. 


After reviewing your feedback, the Specialist teachers (PE, Media, LOTE, Science, Visual and Performing Arts/Music) will trial a revised report.  The report will still include:

  • A Description of the Curriculum. This describes what has been taught over the course of the semester.
  • A progression point and corresponding 5-point scale. This directly relates to the year level achievement standards within the Victorian Curriculum.

The Semester 2 Specialist report will differ in that instead of a short personal comment, students will receive a mark ranging from ‘Needs Support’ to ‘Excellent’ for 5 separate Work Habits, including:

  • Effort and Engagement (formally ‘Effort’)
  • Individual and Group Work
  • Organisation and Time Management 
  • Respect and Safety (formally ‘Behaviour’), and
  • Communication and Feedback.

The Work Habits rubric will also be included in your child’s report. The purpose of the rubric is twofold:

1)  to provide clarity to staff when assessing a student within the 5 Work Habits and ensure consistency and fairness.

2) to provide parents with clarity and transparency on the skills and dispositions within each of the 5 Work Habit categories. 

There are a number of statements within each Work Habit area, teachers will select the area that represents the majority of the skills and dispositions displayed by the student. 

Classroom teachers will also use the rubric to include a mark in ‘Effort and Engagement’, as well as ‘Respect and Safety’. 

The Year 6 team are usiong Seesaw to support student's growth and hard work within each of the skills and dispositions of the Rubric.
The Year 6 team are usiong Seesaw to support student's growth and hard work within each of the skills and dispositions of the Rubric.


This term, the Specialist team have been working particularly closely with the Year 6 cohort and teaching team to discuss the rubric with the students, enabling them the opportunity to engage with the rubric, identify where they are currently working within the 5 different Work Habits, and set goals for the rest of the year. The students’ ultimate aim is to end the year, and their time with us here at Karoo, on a high!

Year 6 students using the Work Habits rubric in Mandarin.
Year 6 students using the Work Habits rubric in Mandarin.

We thank-you for giving the time to complete school surveys, and share your voice and ideas. We sincerely hope that the revised Specialist report and Work Habits rubric provide greater clarity to parents and students alike. I look forward to hearing your thoughts next year, when we hopefully receive your feedback once more. 


With joy and gratitude, 

Ms. Ashley Kuusela.


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