School Council Report

October Meeting Summary

On Monday 28 October School Council held our second to last meeting for the year. A number of important decisions were made, including essential and voluntary school contributions for 2025. It was decided that the Library contributions would be reduced and the Building and Grounds contributions increased slightly. We have so many amazing books at FPS we are now going to explore the possibility of including digital/audio books in our library system.


Council approved the final budgets for the many events that occurred over term three (thank you to all event convenors), and discussed how future fundraising monies should be spent according to the school values of communityrespectexcellence and creativity. Past years’ fundraising money has been allocated to the yard works that are in the planning stage, and will be completed in 2025. You might see some action in this area with soil testing take place next week in the area for the yard redevelopment.


The Social Club has been super busy the past few months!

  • The FPS community has had the opportunity to provide feedback on this year's ART FOR ALL event. This feedback will be collated by the social committee and reported to Council and the FPS community before the end of the year. 
  • Although we are nearing the end of the year there are a couple of whole FPS events still on the calendar – please come along!
    • Volunteer Day Celebration: Friday 22 November, 9 – 10am
    • End of Year Picnic: Friday 6 December, 5:30 – 8pm
  • Planning for 2025 events is next on the Social Club agenda.


Other points of discussion included:


Finally, Council thanked parent, Dan Freer (Treasurer) for his diligent work on the Council, providing thorough finance reports and clear explanations throughout his time on Council. 


Please consider nominating yourself for Council in 2025 when nominations are called in February/ March!


~ Nat King, FPS Council Secretary