
Tabloid Sports

On Friday 29th November, 10.45 am-1:00 pm, we will be having a whole school Tabloid Sport session at McDonald Reserve on Bell Street. An information and permission form will be sent home with all students tomorrow. Parents are welcome to attend and watch their child take part in the activities. 


Learning Pit

Students in 3/4J have been revising what it means to use the Learning Pit in their learning. The Learning Pit is a great visual to support students with strategies to use when learning becomes challenging. Below are examples of the students’ reflections and ideas:

Student Leaders

Today, our school captains James and Eloise visited the Merri-Bek city council buildings as part of the council's Children’s Reference Group initiative. This has provided them with the opportunity to work with other students from around Coburg and take part in discussions and decision making which impact children in the area. We are extremely proud of how they represented our school in these sessions.

Iain Reed

Learning and Mathematics Leader