From the Principal's Desk

Dear Parents,
The last few weeks have certainly been a busy time for our community and we are so appreciative of your support of the many extra curricular activities and events. The busyness continues so please check the school calendar, read the newsletter and check Seesaw to ensure you are aware of all that is happening.
Mini Mission Fete
Our annual Mini Mission Fete was held last Friday and whilst there was rain, flexibility and adaptability, saw a few location changes and the Fete still went ahead. It is great to watch our students run the Fete with the help of teachers. To see students organise trash and treasure stalls, face painting, carnival and sports games and a great variety of food stalls and then witness the focussed shoppers with so many choices, ensures a great day is had by all. We cannot explain to people just how this event works, but it does! Every year it is eagerly anticipated and it all comes together without a hitch. A big thankyou to parents and families for their support of the students' ideas and the whole event.
Of course whilst a great time is had by all at St B’s, the purpose is to raise much needed funds for others. We need to ensure that our students know this is the purpose of the Mini Mission Fete. This year was another successful Fete with $2,249.95 raised! What a phenomenal effort. The money will be donated to the Opening the Doors Foundation & Catholic Missions.
A wonderful effort by all. Thankyou
School Advisory Council - Expressions of Interest
Earlier this month our School Advisory Council met for the final formal meeting of the year. It was the final meeting for our Chair, Ric Miolo who leaves this role as his youngest child finishes his primary schooling this year. We sincerely thank Ric for his contribution to the Council over a number of years and for his constant and positive support of our school. We therefore have a membership vacancy on the SAC. Information about the process is included in this newsletter for those interested in being considered for the role. We require this membership role to be filled by a male to ensure we have balance, as required by our governing documents. Please consider supporting our school in this way and see the information in the below attachment.
The expression of interest is due on Friday 22nd November.
Our whole school assembly is on this Friday 15th at 3pm and the Year 1/2 classes will be hosting.
2024 Fees
As we near the end of the year we ask that any families with outstanding accounts for 2024, make payment as a matter of urgency. We depend on the payment of fees to fulfil our financial obligations. If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please arrange a time to meet with me to discuss options. Families of students leaving us at the end of this year must ensure all outstanding accounts are finalised.
A final thankyou to Ben Ladner (Henry - Year 1) for returning all the display boards used for our Art Show and to Bob Stafford (Lucy - Year 3 and Harry - Year 5) for returning the freezer used for the ice cream. We are very grateful.
Mini Bernie’s – Foundation 2025 Orientation
Yesterday we welcomed our Foundation 2025 students for their first Orientation session. They were superstars and we couldn’t believe how well they settled in. There are two more sessions and we are very excited to see them back next Tuesday.
Year 3/4 Swimming Program
A note was sent home last week about the Year 3/4 swimming program that begins at the end of November. Invoices are being sent home today, if you have made payment in the last 2 days please disregard.
Please return this permission form and make payment of $35.00 by Thursday 21st November.
Year 6 2025 - Bomber Jacket reminder
A friendly reminder order forms and payment for the Year 6 bomber jacket are now overdue. Please return your order form as soon as possible to avoid missing out.
Year 6 - Graduation Dinner
An email was sent out yesterday to Year 6 families about the Graduation dinner.
A reminder to purchase your tickets by Friday 29th November.
Book here:
Sharing Rome and Assisi
A friendly reminder that I will be hosting a ‘Sharing Rome & Assisi’ afternoon on Monday 18th November at 2:30pm where I will be sharing my photos and experiences and would love you all to come along and join me. If you are interested in coming along, please rsvp by Friday 15th November by emailing the School Office telephoning 9384 8500 or
Junior Rockers Concert - Save the Date
There will be an end of year concert for the Junior Rockers students on Thursday 5th December 3:30pm - 5:00pm in the hall.
'Something to Think About'
On Monday we commemorated Remembrance Day. We remember the sacrifices made by men and women across history through war. Sacrifices were on battlefields across the world but they also were in our own country as war changed the lives of so many.
The poppy is a well known symbol of Remembrance and the poem, ‘In Flanders Field’ was written in the spring of 1915, by a Canadian doctor, Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae shortly after losing a friend in Ypres. He wrote his now famous poem after seeing poppies growing in battle-scarred fields.
Joanne Doherty | Principal