
Who gets stressed?
Everyone gets stressed. Some stress is actually good for us. However, when we become distressed or deeply worried, that is when stress can get out of control and be harmful for us. A bit like a tree branch that gets bent by wind or other forces to the point of breaking.
So how can you deal with such worry and distress?
Well, God offers himself and his loving presence.
God is like a big unbreakable steel pipe that not only comes alongside us 'branches', but covers us completely. It is like putting the branch inside the pipe. Therefore, when life gets tough, God is with us always to help us, shield us, and give us the strength to survive and thrive.
Jesus speaks about this in the bible in Matthew 6:26-27,
“Look at the birds: they do not plant seeds, gather a harvest and put it in barns; yet your Father in heaven takes care of them! Aren't you worth much more than birds? Can any of you live a bit longer by worrying about it?”
I’ve never seen a bird sow seed, or use a harvester, or build a barn, but they are alive and some look very well fed.
God cares even more about you, and we can trust in God. God is with you whether you realise or not and is faithful to you. God loves you and cares about you. All he asks is to receive all that he has to give which is better than what the fleeting things money has to offer. What God has to give is for eternity! God’s love, peace, hope, and joy.
God encourages us not to worry. Worry only takes away life, whereas God gives life. Like the phrase, “Don’t worry, Be Happy.” God is the ‘Be’ in the middle. We can’t make ourselves happy, especially when we are worried and distressed, neither can money or earthly things, but God can.
The joy that Jesus gives us through his eternal love, hope and peace is amazing.
This doesn’t mean that we won’t ever get distressed and worried, but when we do, give it to God, because he is always there.
Like the time my family and I had the opportunity to go on a Minions rollercoaster. Even through the twists and turns, and ups and downs, the solid track kept us safe. So, it is with God through the ups and downs of life. God has got you. Trust Him.
Thanks and God bless you all,
Pastor Richard Fox
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church Sunday Service Times
2024 Worship Song Playlist
Do you find yourself wondering what songs we sing in Wednesday Worship? Do your children come home singing some of the songs? We would like to invite you to our Good Shepherd School Worship Song Playlist on YouTube. To find a selection of songs that we sing, click here and start singing along!