Secondary 7/8

Secondary 7/8A had a great term 4!
This term in discovery the students have been learning about natural disasters, focusing on bushfire, droughts, floods and earthquakes. In reading we have been learning different vocabulary that relates to natural disasters, word types, similes and the impacts of different natural disasters . In writing we have been focusing on writing recounts and procedural texts, as well as, editing for adjectives, full stops, capital letters and noun verb agreement. Lastly, in numeracy we started the term exploring money and then ended the term reviewing place value, sharing and addition and subtraction.
The students also participated in some fun activities throughout the term. This term they visited IMAX and Watsonia shops. At IMAX we experienced some natural disasters through a movie and the students got to practice spending money and receiving change when buying bakery or op shop items.
The 7/8s also had the FRV visit their section and learnt about fire safety.
Well done 7/8A for a great year!
What a wonderful end of the year Secondary 7/8B has had. We started the term off with an excursion to iMax to help us prepare for our Discovery unit about extreme weather. Students got to see all the images and hear all the sounds associated with extreme weather events such as tornados and bushfires.
The class has completed various projects to help them recognise that these events have damaging impacts on communities and they have done a great job at learning what we can do to help. The class also had a wonderful time practicing their money skills down at the local shops, participating in sports day and enjoying a visit from Fire Rescue Victoria.
Wishing everyone a safe holiday season and a relaxing break.
Secondary 7/8C has had a wonderful term of fun and learning.
The Discovery theme, ‘Natural Disasters’ has been explored in a variety of different ways.
We had an excursion to Imax to see a film entitled ‘Extreme Weather’. We did experiments to reproduce floods and earthquakes.
The favourite experience was a visit to the school by the Fire Brigade. 7/8C followed up these activities with class discussion, language extension and reading/writing tasks.
I would say the highlight of the term was the Sports Day, so ably organised by our specialists’ teachers. The weather was perfect and our whole class participated in the 8 different events.
The staff and students of 7/8C would like to wish the Concord community a healthy and happy summer holiday.
Term 4 has marked a busy end to the year for Secondary 7/8D. It has been fantastic to see the continued effort of 7/8D students with their learning as we have closed out the year.
The students started off the term with their IMAX Excursion which focused on Natural Disasters. In the following weeks, students have learned about flood, drought, bushfire and earthquakes and the various impacts each of these may have. Given that many of our students have an interest in weather, these topics have proved super interesting.
In reading and writing sessions, we have continued our focus on developing our understanding of adjectives and adverbs in order to expand our sentences. We worked on our understanding of using pronouns in sentences, and investigated similes which was prompted by our various mentor texts written by Jackie French. We continued building on our learning in the SoundsWrite program with students progressing through a number of units. This program has provided opportunities for students to practise their decoding, blending and phoneme manipulation skills.
In maths, we focused on money at the beginning of the term. Students were able to practice a range of skills involving money, as well as develop their understanding of the features of Australian money. A trip to Watsonia Shops provided an opportunity to purchase some items from the Salvation Army Op Shop as well as a sweet treat from one of the local bakeries.
It has been an awesome end of the year for 7/8D, with many memories made. 7/8D students have made connections in the classroom that I hope will continue into the future.
I wish all 7/8D students the very best as they move into Year 8 and Year 9 respectively in 2025.
Heading into the holiday break, take a moment to slow down and enjoy the down time whatever it may look like for you.
Secondary 7/8E have had an amazing term 4 and an awesome year of learning but as the saying goes, “All good things must come to an end.” The end of our time together as Secondary 7/8E is fast approaching. This means it is time to reflect on all the amazing experiences we have had together this term.
We have been curious and engaged with the Discovery Unit, investigating many natural disasters through Language Experiences, reading, writing, technology and excursions. We wrote about all our fun experiences and added detail by using descriptive language and replacing nouns with pronouns.
Students drew detailed pictures of habitats before and after fires, designed fire safety plans for home, carried out experiments to investigate floods and droughts and interacted with firefighters from Fire Safety Victoria. Did you know Australia has the best money in the world? Australian notes are waterproof and cannot be ripped, even though we tried our best to tear them in half.
We enjoyed our trip to Binak Park for our section excursion, our Class Party, movie day, class cooking and a final visit to the Discovery Centre.
We will miss our Year 8 friends when they move on next year but know that we will all make new friendships in 2025.
A big thankyou to our Educational Support, Belinda, we really loved having you work with us and support our learning.
Have a fabulous holiday!
The students in Secondary 7/8F all agree that the year has gone by very quickly. We contemplated this and realized that so many things have happened this year.
Moving to the new building and going on camp in Term 2 was a great adventure. Some of the students' comments were: "I really liked making new friends." – Cody
"I liked camp and I enjoyed learning about the different cultures in our discovery unit." – Genevieve
I will miss this year." – Franky
"I enjoyed camp and walking to Watsonia shops together to learn about money." – Sienna
In Term 4, we immersed ourselves in our discovery unit, The Impact of Natural Disasters, with an excursion to IMAX. Since then, students have learned about floods, droughts, bushfires, and earthquakes through both literature and language experiences. To begin this topic, students had the opportunity to travel into the City and watch both the caise and the impact of an extreme weather event.
We have enjoyed the Community Concert, where some of the students performed, Secondary Sports Day, and having a tour of a fire truck during the FRV incursion. We loved the Community Challenge with activities ranging from Action Sports, Gym, Gardening, Community Walk, and Cooking.
The staff and students of 7/8F would like to wish the Concord community a wonderful break and holiday.
Term 4 is coming to a close already! The year has flown. They do say time flies when you’re having fun!
The students started off the term with an excursion to IMAX, which kicked off our focus on Natural Disasters. Since then, students have learned about flood, drought, bushfire and earthquakes. This topic has been extremely engaging for the students.
In maths, we covered place value and money. Our walk to Watsonia Shops was definitely a highlight during the money unit, as students put their skills to use and came away with some sweet treats!
We enjoyed the Community Concert, where 7/8s performed the Grease Megamix and the T-Birds performed Greased Lightning! We are so proud of our students for their hard work in Spectacular this year, and it was wonderful to see them perform one more time.
I am so incredibly proud of the students for their hard work this year, and I wish them all the best for the year ahead.
What an amazing year 2024 has been! From moving into a brand new building, to the fantastic learning experiences within and outside of the classroom, this year has been full of fun and adventure.
Term 4’s learning focus was Extreme Weather, whereas students learnt about the cause and impacts of floods, fires, droughts and earthquakes. To begin this topic, students had the opportunity to watch a range of different weather and natural disasters at IMAX. To expand students' knowledge of this topic, 78H engaged within a variety of language experiences, which were the highlight of each week.
78H enjoyed learning about money this term. A highlight for many students was our trip to Watsonia shops, whereas students could buy an item of their choice using their money.
Other events that 78H have enjoyed this term include the Community Concert, whereas they performed their outstanding Grease finale and T Birds routine, Secondary Sports Day and having a tour of a fire truck during the FRV incursion.
It has been an absolute pleasure to teach the students of 78H this year. I am incredibly proud of each students’ efforts and wish them all the best for next year.