Team Leaders Message

Term 4
This term started off with an excursion to IMAX to learn more about Extreme Weather.
It was a great way to start learning about natural disasters. We explored bushfires, droughts, floods and earthquakes using books by Jackie French to explore what happens in these natural disasters and what we can do to mitigate the impact of them. This learning was enhanced by a visit from Fire Rescue Victoria.
The busy term continued with all students participating in the Secondary Sports day, showing their sporting prowess and enthusiasm for everyone to give it a go. There were some stand out performances who will go on to represent the school in athletics.
Students have loved participating in the Community Challenge program on a Friday, taking part in activities such as gardening, cooking, gym and AFL. It is great to see the students working together with peers to try something new.
With the end of the year quickly approaching the 78 section looked forward to the Community Concert and the whole section Activity day to celebrate the year.
Rachael Morgan
Team Leader