
Garden Update:
On Monday, our Gardening Club gathered to pull out the winter crops and refresh our garden beds. With enthusiastic students, we tackled the task of weeding and preparing the soil for new plants. On Friday, 1/2T kindly volunteered to plant a variety of summer crops, including zucchinis, cucumbers, pumpkins, an assortment of tomatoes, fresh basil, capsicums, and chillies. They were also eager to check on our retired potato Olympians to see if they were ready to be dug up. A big thank you to the 2D class, who helped with watering the garden after a particularly warm week. We have left watering cans by the tap, so if you arrive at school a bit early or are here over the weekend, please feel free to give our plants a drink. This warmer weather can be tough on our young seedlings! In anticipation of the summer months, we will soon be posting a watering roster. We are looking for volunteers to help maintain our garden during the holiday break. Your assistance will ensure that we have a thriving supply of herbs, fruits, vegetables, and flowers when we return to school.
Upcoming Events: (Boroondara)
● Boroondara Repair and Reuse Day. Saturday 23 November from 10am to 2pm.
Book Here. Boroondara Repair and Reuse Community Day | City of Boroondara
● Creating habitat for pollinators – workshop. Tuesday 12 November from 7pm to 9pm. Book here.
● Transitioning to an all-electric home - Solar Savers online information session. Wednesday 13 November from 12:30pm to 1:30pm OR 7pm to 8pm, online.
Book here for midday session Microsoft Virtual Events Powered by Teams,
or here for evening session. Microsoft Virtual Events Powered by Teams
● Kew East Community Recycling event: Council collection for end-of-life textiles. Saturday 9 November from 2pm to 4pm. More information on the Kew East Community Recycling Facebook page and Instagram page
● Join the Op Shop Trail. Find out more on our website Op Shop Trail | City of Boroondara
Brooke Danaher
Sustainability Coordinator