
It was fantastic to see so many crazy hairstyles on display at last week’s crazy hair day. I have taken the feedback on board regarding my own hairdo, and will make sure I do better next year. As you are aware, Crazy Hair Day was the vehicle to commence our donation program for the 2025 Solway Community Fair. Thank you to everyone for your generous donations of lollies and coloured hair spray. Without your support, an event such as the fair would not be possible.
One of our biggest fundraising activities at the fair is the raffle. The organising committee is seeking those that have the capacity to donate a major prize, as part of the raffle. I understand that such donations in the past have been accommodation at community members holiday homes in regional Victoria, interstate and even overseas. If you are in the position, or know of someone or a business that would be willing to donate a significant prize for us to raffle, please reach out via the school email or see me.
Over the coming weeks and months in the lead up to the fair, we will be putting the call out for further donations, such as chocolate, ingredients for baked goods and wine.
Last week, Mrs Nancarrow, Mrs Watkins and I attended the Inner East Area Principals Forum at Manningham Civic Centre. Here we heard a report from the Department’s Deputy Secretary David Howes, on the vision for Education over the coming years. If you would like to read more about the direction of Victorian Education, I have included a link to The Education State: Excellence in Every Classroom. We also spent time developing our Annual Implementation Plan for 2025. The focus was on how our plans as a school align with the ‘Education State’ goals. As our plans for next year take shape, I will share the goals and actions will be focusing with the Solway Community.
Our school value of Respect has been a major focus across the last fortnight. Again, it has been wonderful to see our students demonstrating respect for themselves, others and the environment. Respect will be the major focus for the remainder of the year. Watch this space for further information on how will be celebrating those who are living the value on a day-to-day basis.
Finally, a word of congratulations to our students who competed in the school State Chess Finals on November 1 at the Yarra Valley Grammar School in Ringwood. Kian M, Henry M, Logan Y, Jasper W and Kieran P. These teams battled it out amongst great players from other schools. They represented the school with great pride.
Thank you for your support and lets all strive to be “our best always”.