Discovery Centre
Hello Foundation Families,
This week in Writing, we had fun exploring a new text type, procedural writing! Students discovered the importance of giving clear, specific instructions when making delicious fairy bread. We also learnt about the different parts of procedures, including the title, ingredients and steps/method.
We will continue our unit on procedural writing next week, which links to our Guided Inquiry unit 'How did that get in my lunch box?'. We have asked all families to share a recipe (something your child likes to eat or that you may have made at home before) that we will make into our Foundation Recipe Book. If your child has not brought a recipe to school yet, could you please ensure this is sent in as soon as possible. This could be physically or digitally through sentral.
Have a lovely weekend!
Tegan, Emma and Ashley
- Hats are back, please make sure your child has a labelled hat.
- Please visit lost property for any missing jackets, vests or other items.
- 29/11 - Pevan and Sarah Excursion
Pupil of the Week
FT - Hazel E
For showing so much enthusiasm in Writing this week. You did such a fantastic job writing a procedure on how to make Fairy Bread.
FE - Indi M
For demonstrating perseverance throughout Writing tasks. You should be proud of your efforts to carefully sound out words.
FC - Amy W
For demonstrating life-long learning by striving for excellence in your recipe writing tasks and showing enthusiasm in the classroom.