Leadership Centre
Selamat Siang,
Summer is almost in the air and Week Six has absolutely flown by! We have had an action packed week full of learning!
For Maths, early in the week, we were busy learning about algebra and the order of operations through lots of open-ended games and activities. Later in the week, we began to look at patterns and algorithms. If you would like to learn more about these, please ask your children!
In Literacy, we have continued to be blown away by the high quality of the discussions and findings throughout Literature Circle lessons. In Writing, we have begun to explore and begin the narrative writing process.
Hope you all have a great week ahead!
The 5/6 Leadership Team
Attention Year 6 Families - Baby Photos for Graduation
We are looking forward to celebrating Year 6 Graduation at the end of the year, with preparations already underway!
One of our beloved traditions is sharing three baby photos from between the ages of 0-5 as part of the presentation. We are asking if you could please email gradesixgraduation@gmail.com with these three photos by November 29th. We usually recommend one baby photo, one as a toddler and one around kinder age but any family favourites will be great! Also, if your child attended another school prior to MPRPS and you have their school photo, it would also be much appreciated if you could send those though.
We will send reminder emails over the coming weeks, but we like to get an early start as it takes a while to collate everything! Thank you so much for your support.
Student Voice
Tom 5/6N: “I have really enjoyed reading my literature circle texts!”
Sean 5/6N: “I can’t wait for Bike Education, it's very exciting!”
Emily 5/6N: “I have enjoyed challenging myself in maths this week!”
Saumya 5/6N: “It was a great experience to compete in the public speaking competition”
- Tissue box donations (A big thanks to those that have donated already)
- SunSmart - hats need to be worn every day
- 5/6 Bike Ed - please check your class schedules
Pupil of the Week
5/6C - Kitraa S
For demonstrating perseverance and bravery representing 5/6C in the intra-school Public Speaking competition.
5/6S - Natasha R
Well done on using the strengths of kindness, zest and teamwork when leading your I.C.E Musical Theatre group.
5/6FL - Ryan M
For demonstrating curiosity and a love of learning while investigating spirolaterals in Maths.
5/6E - Jason D
For demonstrating creativity and perseverance when completing your Big Write and adding detail by using adjectives and verbs.
5/6N - William V
Well done on using the strengths of kindness and teamwork when constantly looking out for others in the classroom!