
After a year of planning and preparation, Mater Dei’s elective Japanese students finally made it to Japan! 24 students and 5 staff set off in the second week of the school holidays on a 12 day adventure that took them to Kyoto, Hiroshima, Nishiawakura and Tokyo. The students embraced every experience with enthusiasm (except perhaps the endless stairs…) and proved to be wonderful ambassadors for both the College and Wagga. It was great to see the students interact with students their own age in Nishiawakura and try out their Japanese language skills as they ordered food & drink and found their way around Japan’s cities.
Year 8 Japanese students are on the count down to their class “Undoukai” or sports festival which will be held in Week 9. They have made headbands and have been practising their “Rajio taisou” warm up routine as well as some unique team activities. On a quieter note, students have been introduced to the Japanese traditional art of Sashiko and are also spending time in the last few weeks calmly engaged in sewing.
It has been a very busy but fabulous year for Japanese at the College. We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday! メリー・クリスマス!
Ms Genelle Keough | CAPA / LOTE KLA Leader