Visual Arts

Year 7 have spent this term researching an endangered animal of their choice. Students then designed and created an armature of their selected animal. A range of materials were used to create the sculpture including paper mâché and clay bandages. Students then painted their sculptures to make them look more like the animal they selected. Currently, students are working studiously on their Claymation projects. Well done Year 7!
Year 8 have recently completed a unit about the Still Life genre. The process required students to take a photo of objects that represent their interests. The photo was sketched, transferred to a lino block, carved and printed. Students were engaged in the process and there were many excellent prints. Students are now working on developing skills in photography, editing and exploring the techniques required to capture successful photographs.
Year 9 students have been exploring woodblock printing. Students sketched a simple design and carved it into the timber. The design was then printed onto fabric. Students then developed through the process of working back onto their printed fabric including sewing and hand painting. The textile works will be turned into wall hangings and tote bags.
Year 9 Artists Practice students have been very busy this term creating an array of artworks from sculptures representing insects and creatures which are hanging in the outdoor learning space and some can be found in the pots. They have also developed and created their own artworks for selected spaces, they have been very engaged in their learning and each student's creative talents have been on display.
Year 10 visual artists have been creating their own devised artworks which they have been developing this term. Students have explored a range of artmaking techniques which they have explored alongside research of techniques and their own selected artists.
Year 12 have just begun their journey to create their own Body of Work. They have examined a range of artists and artworks while developing a deeper understanding of the analysis process and writing techniques. It will be wonderful to see the artworks as they emerge in the next year.