Congratulations to Year 8 STEAM students who showed remarkable precision with carefully planned coding, creative scaled obstacle designs and 3D printed golf holes and visually aesthetic displays in the RVR Mini Golfing Challenge. The teams of engineers, marketing managers and coders joined forces to produce an incredible mini golfing experience which was judged by staff, Mater Dei Primary Year 5 and 6 students and Year 7 and 10 students from MDCC.
Students are currently building solar cars, learning about solar, creating circuits and getting ready to race their modified cars during Week 9.
Congratulations to the Winning Teams
Candyland Crazy Courses
Claire Sutton, Abbey Broadhead and Annabelle Penfold
Jurassic Par's
Spencer Firman, Toby Willis and Jack Pope
Mrs Courtney Freebody | Leader of Learning - Digital Technology and STEM