
Our first excursion for the department in 2024 took place in February when the Year 12 Chemistry students traveled to Charles Sturt University for the day. The students were given an opportunity to use CSU facilities while working with the University staff to complete a range of practical activities found in their Chemistry course. Thanks to Mr. Harland for taking these students.
In April, a selection of Year 10 students took part in the Science and Engineering Challenge at the Wagga wagga Showground. The challenge was presented by The University of Newcastle and Inland Rail Skills Academy in cooperation with Riverina Water, Transgrid and Nixons Engineering. We thank these organisations for their support.
These students were given the opportunity to work alongside other Riverina students to design and build a range of structures including bridges, electricity distribution systems, bionic hands and buildings. We congratulate these Year 10 students for winning the day. Thank you to Mr Harland for his organisation. Thanks to those students who participated and represented Mater Dei so well.
In June our Year 9 and 10 students took part in an Education Interactive workshop on Forensic Science. The workshop was called “A Case of Conspiracy”.
The incursion covered serious social and community issues as an undertone to the storyline. This case discussed drug awareness and the impacts of hanging out with the wrong crowd. It was presented in a way to allow an open dialogue with students.
Congratulations to Charlie Schneider for winning the Year 12 Notre Dame Award for Overall Academic Achievement in Science.
Mr Charles Anderson | Science KLA Leader